Midnight show lineup is a LIFESAVER

Big shoutout to whoever decided to run back-to-back episodes of 'Peppa Pig' and 'Dora the Explorer' through the night. You're the real MVPs for us with kids who just. won't. sleep. Anyone else living that 2 AM Treehouse life? 😅

Submitted 1 year ago by sleepisfortheweakkids


Same boat here. If I have to hear the 'Dora the Explorer' theme one more time, I'll need therapy. But it's a small price to pay for some peace. The creators of these shows deserve a holiday in their honor or something.

1 year ago by QuietStorm75


Shouldn't kids be, I dunno, sleeping at 2 AM? What's next, calculus for babies? 'Peppa Pig' teaching quantum physics? The world's gone mad.

1 year ago by Mr_Cynic


I've actually learned Spanish thanks to all those Dora reruns at ungodly hours. Now when I order my fifth coffee of the day, 'por favor' and 'gracias' rolls off the tongue with the finesse of sleep deprivation. Cheers to Treehouse for their unintentional adult education program!

1 year ago by Caffeine_Queen


Remember the good old days of late-night infomercials? I'll take Peppa over those any day. But seriously, thank goodness for Treehouse. It's the unsung hero for parents. Someone knight the person who made the decision for this lineup!

1 year ago by OldSchoolCoolDad


Funny how we start enjoying these cartoons just as much as the kids, right? Or is that just me? 🤓 Anyway, totally respect the hustle of keeping those night owls entertained. Gonna drop some trivia next time Peppa comes on and blow my toddler's mind!

1 year ago by AnimationAfficionado


Been there! My advice? Rotate the shows a bit to keep 'em interested. Check out some of the newer Treehouse series too, like 'PAW Patrol' and 'Blaze and the Monster Machines'. They've got tons of episodes and might just become your new night-time best friends. And hey, it's educational too, so you can feel a bit less guilty at 2AM. Right? 😜

1 year ago by ParentingProTip


What is sleep? Can I download it somewhere? My kiddo is mastering the art of staying awake all night thanks to what I can only assume is an addiction to Peppa's snort and Dora's backpack.

1 year ago by NoSleepTilBreakfast


lol i feel this so much 😅 those midnight cartoons are the only thing keeping my sanity intact when my little terror decides that night is actually playtime

1 year ago by MoonlightCrayon