Must-have mods for a better gameplay experience?

Yo fellow simmers, I'm looking to spruce up my game with some mods. I've got MCCC and UI Cheats already, but I'm looking for more, especially ones that fix bugs and add realism. What mods can't you live without? Drop the names and I'll check 'em out! 🖥️✨

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by modthesims4ever


The Thoughtful Shower mod is simply sublime. It adds new moodlets when Sims take showers, based on their emotions, like feeling inspired after a thoughtful rinse. It seems small but adds such lovely touches to the daily routine 💖✨

1 year, 1 month ago by WhimsyWendy


Just delete the game lol, Sims 2 is better anyway 😜

1 year, 1 month ago by TrollinTina


For a small touch of realism - SHUSH from Bienchen. It stops Sims from those annoyingly loud conversations. And like, if you've ever had a Sim eat cereal, you'll want SimRealist's SNB Bills mod for real financial struggle. It'll balance out the gameplay and make it more challenging.

1 year, 1 month ago by SimlishSinger


ugh, mods are ruining the essence of the game. just play it as it is, why do you need all these fixes???

1 year, 1 month ago by NoCheese4U


You HAVE to get the Realistic Reactions Mod, it makes the Sims' reactions to cheating, death, and other big events way more believable. Also, check out the Have Some Personality Please! by PolarBearSims. It greatly improves the conversation system so your Sims stop talking about the same old random stuff all the time.

1 year, 1 month ago by RealismRenee


Nobody mentioned BuildBuyMode Unlocker yet? It makes all the items available that are normally locked behind career progression and such. It's a game changer if you're into building and furnishing houses. And it's updated regularly!

1 year, 1 month ago by build_buy_bob


Get the Meaningful Stories mod by roBurky. It completely revamps the emotions system and gives your Sims more nuanced reactions to life events. Also, don’t skip LittleMsSam's Random Small Mods collection; it’s basically a fix-it kit for a ton of minor annoyances in the game, and you're bound to find something that you'll consider essential pretty quickly.

1 year, 1 month ago by SimmerDownNow


Heya! So you've already got MCCC and UI Cheats, awesome choices! You should totally grab Slice of Life by KawaiiStacie—it adds so much depth to your Sims' emotions and scenarios, like, they can get drunk n stuff. 😂 Then there’s Basemental Drugs for some 'edgy' gameplay. For bug fixing, have you checked out Weerbesu's More Columns in CAS mod? It's a lifesaver for CAS clutter. Happy modding! 😊

1 year, 1 month ago by PlumbobPrincess