Need help! Toddler keeps getting taken away 😭

Hey everyone, I'm new to The Sims and I'm having a tough time. My toddlers keep getting taken away by social services. I feed them, I swear! Sometimes I just forget about their needs while I'm redecorating the house. Any advice on how to keep these tiny tots happy and healthy?? I'm desperate here!

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by simply_simsational


Just sell the toddlers on SimBay, less trouble. JK!! 😂 But seriously, pause the game or hire a nanny. Don't let the sim-kiddos cramp your style.

1 year, 1 month ago by SavageSimmer


I totally get caught up in build mode too, lol. You might wanna try turning on autonomy for your sims if it's off. That way, even if you're deep in decor land, your sims will sorta fend for themselves a bit.

1 year, 1 month ago by buildmodefanatic


Pro tip: use the independent trait when you age up your babies to toddlers, it helps them be less needy! And don't forget they'll need a bath too, dirty toddlers make for super unhappy social workers. 😒

1 year, 1 month ago by MaxisFan4Ever


Have you tried planting some apple trees or getting a fridge stocked with quick meals like yoghurts and sandwiches? Sometimes the quick grab-and-go food helps when your Sim is busy with other things. Oh, and toddlers love those butterfly-looking toys for fun!

1 year, 1 month ago by GreenThumbSimsLover


Toddler care is intense! I set timers for every two sim-hours to check on my tots. Also, use the high chairs. They're a pain, but they make sure your toddlers get fed properly. And always keep some quick meal snacks in your inventory like apples or cereal.

1 year, 1 month ago by TinyTotTrouble


Lol I had the same issue! I found that hiring a nanny can really save the day when you're busy decorating or managing other sims. They're a bit costly but totally worth it imo. Good luck!

1 year, 1 month ago by noob_simmer


ugh, toddlers are SO hard in this game, it's like real life sometimes 😫 Make sure you have a good routine, like meals at the same time, bed at the same time, etc. Definitely helps!

1 year, 1 month ago by WoohooGuru


It sounds like you might be forgetting the other needs toddlers have - they don't only need food! Make sure you're checking their hygiene, bladder, energy, and fun levels as well. They can be pretty high maintenance. If you're getting too wrapped up in decorating, consider pausing the game while in build/buy mode so you don't miss the cues.

1 year, 1 month ago by SimsMaster9000