Finally finished my Victorian Mansion! 🏰 Tips inside!

Hey fellow Simmers! After a grueling 40+ hours, my Victorian Mansion is complete with secret passages and a haunting backstory! Want a tip? Mix pillar sizes and add ivy for that aged look! Also always use moveobjects on; it gives you the ultimate freedom. Can't wait to start a legacy family here. Would you dare to live in a haunted mansion? đź‘»

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by SimtasticBuilder


Haunted mansion? No way, I can't even play the game at night without getting the heebie-jeebies! Your dedication is amazing though, 40+ hours is intense!

1 year, 1 month ago by FraidyCat


Adding ivy is such a great idea for that aged look! Do you mind if I steal your tip? My Victorian garden's been missing something and I think you just solved it!

1 year, 1 month ago by GreenThumbSim


LOL haunted? Your sims will freak out. Can't wait to see them running in terror. Pics or it didn't happen!

1 year, 1 month ago by TrollinBuilder


A legacy in a Victorian Mansion sounds so cool! Love that you gave us a tip too. I'm always looking to make my builds more authentic. I'd absolutely be down for a haunted legacy playthrough! Btw, got any screenshots? Would love to see how your mansion turned out.

1 year, 1 month ago by LegacyLover


Living in a haunted mansion is the ultimate dream! Your mansion is on my download list for sure. Those little details like aging the place with ivy really make a difference. How did you handle the lighting to keep that spooky atmosphere?

1 year, 1 month ago by GothSimmer


moveobjects on is a game-changer, totally agree! But sometimes my sims can't interact with some items when I use it too much. Anyone else got that bug? or is it just part of the game's charm? lol

1 year, 1 month ago by moveobjects_on


omg mixing pillar sizes, such a simple tip but it's something I would've never thought of! Def gonna try it out :)

1 year, 1 month ago by PillarEnthusiast


That mansion sounds epic! Secret passages are such a cool addition, they bring in that authentic feel. Plus, a haunted backstory? I'm already intrigued. Would you mind sharing the backstory? How did you come up with it?

1 year, 1 month ago by VictorianCraze