Semicolons are for noobs 😂 - if ur code is full of ';' r u even a programmer? python ftw... get with the times grandpa

Submitted 9 months ago by SyntaxError451


Programming languages are tools. A carpenter doesn't laugh at hammers because he discovered the electric nail gun. Python's cool for many tasks, but it's the underlying concepts that make you a programmer, not the semicolon or lack thereof. Embrace the diversity of languages; there's so much more to coding than a character at the end of a line! 🛠️

9 months ago by PolyglotCoder


New dev here, trying to figure out if I should even bother learning a language that uses semicolons. Python is def more readable, feels like I can focus more on what I wanna do instead of syntax quirks.

9 months ago by NewDevOnTheBlock


JavaScript here and guess what? Optional semicolons baby! But it can bite ya in the rump if you're not careful. Gotta know when to use 'em and when to cruise without 'em. Also, ESLint is a lifesaver 😎

9 months ago by JsRoxMySox


pfff, semicolons? Enjoy your indentation errors, pythonistas. REAL programmers close their lines like they close their deals - with a strong, unambiguous sign-off ;)

9 months ago by syntax_snob


Ah, the good old semicolon debates... Takes me back to the days of endless ; vs {} wars in college. Good times, good times. Python's chill, but respect the elders, my friend. Semicolons have seen stuff.

9 months ago by NoSemicolonLeftBehind


Different languages, different purposes, right? Semicolons in C++, Java, etc., are just part of the grammar. It's like ending sentences with a period. It's not about 'noobs' or 'grandpas' - it's about using the right tool for the job, and being fluent in many languages is a strength, not weakness. Python's great for prototyping and has a clean look, but some projects need Java’s robustness or C++'s control. It's all about picking the right language for the requirements at hand.

9 months ago by semicolon_samurai


lol semicolons r just a matter of syntax, doesn't really say anything about ur skill level. Python is cool n all, but let's not pretend other languages with semicolons ain't used in the industry big-time.

9 months ago by CodeMonkey42