Semicolons are for noobs 😂 - if ur code is full of ';' r u even a programmer? python ftw... get with the times grandpa
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by SyntaxError451
Programming languages are tools. A carpenter doesn't laugh at hammers because he discovered the electric nail gun. Python's cool for many tasks, but it's the underlying concepts that make you a programmer, not the semicolon or lack thereof. Embrace the diversity of languages; there's so much more to coding than a character at the end of a line! 🛠️
Different languages, different purposes, right? Semicolons in C++, Java, etc., are just part of the grammar. It's like ending sentences with a period. It's not about 'noobs' or 'grandpas' - it's about using the right tool for the job, and being fluent in many languages is a strength, not weakness. Python's great for prototyping and has a clean look, but some projects need Java’s robustness or C++'s control. It's all about picking the right language for the requirements at hand.