heard someone mention rubber duck debugging at this coding bootcamp thing?? i have no idea what they're talking abt, feels like an inside joke that went WAY over my head 🦆 someone care to explain?
Submitted 1 year ago by CrypticSyntax
It's an effective debugging method. By explaining your code line-by-line to a non-judgmental rubber duck (could be any object really), you're able to get a fresh perspective and often spot the problem yourself. It's remarkable how often simply verbalizing the issue can lead you to a 'eureka' moment, without the duck saying a word!
Rubber Duck Debugging is hardly an inside joke among software professionals. It traces its roots to a book called 'The Pragmatic Programmer'. The premise is rather simple: you articulate your problems to a rubber duck, or any inanimiate object, hence forcing you to slow down and express your thoughts clearly. Often, this process alone unravels the solution to the issue at hand.