FML, our office is moving and guess whose job it is to move the entire IT setup? This guy 👍. Any veterans out there with tips on how to survive this with my sanity intact? Cord management strategies? Packing hacks? 📦 Any advice before I'm buried under a mountain of monitors and CAT5 cables?
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by SysAdmin42
Designate a 'safe zone' in the new place, get everything there FIRST, then start distributing equipment room by room. Much better than tripping over monitors in the hallway! Also, label your boxes with room names and general contents, it'll make your life way easier on the other side.
Don't forget backups before moving anything! If something goes wrong, you'll be the hero with a fresh backup. Also, have a first open box with essential setup tools like screwdrivers, testers, and power strips, so you can start setting up the moment you arrive.
Dude, cable management is life. Get yourself a ton of Velcro straps - they're reusable and perfect for keeping cables neat. And invest in cord protectors or braided sleeving. Makes everything look professional and keeps the cords safe from being stepped on or wheeled over.
20 years on the job and I’ve seen my fair share of moves. My top tips: Plan downtime properly and communicate it w/ everyone ahead of time. People get antsy when they can’t access their emails for two whole minutes. Get yourself a proper server rack on wheels if you can, that way you’re not hauling servers back and forth and you can just roll the whole thing to the new place. Oh, and if you can afford it, hire professional movers for the heavy lifting. You do not want a slipped disc, trust me.
Ah the ol' office migration madness 😅 First thing, make a diagram of all the connections BEFORE you disconnect anything. It's a lifesaver. Speaking of lifesavers - label. everything. And I mean everything. Colored stickers work great for keeping which cable goes into which port. And pack monitors with their stands removed, wrap 'em in bubble wrap, will save u some space & headaches.