

Foolproof Macaron Recipe for The Culinary Challenged

Macarons, those fancy little French cookies that everyone loves but is too scared to make. Fear not, fellow jargonistas, here’s a recipe that's gonna get you there: - 100g of almond flour - 100g powdered sugar - 2 aged egg whites, room temp - pinch of salt - 1/4 tsp …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by PastryProphet


Shower Thoughts: Is P=NP in a Universe with Quantum Supremacy?

Pondering the implications of quantum computing on classical computational complexity problems, I have reached a hypothesis. If quantum supremacy is indeed a reality, then we can postulate a multiverse wherein P=NP holds true. Taking into account the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, could it be that non-deterministic polynomial problems are in …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by QuantumEntangler


Understanding GPT-4's Context Window - A Comprehensive Analysis

Alright kids, buckle up. 🧠 We're diving deep into the GPT-4's context window today.\n\nSo check it, context window is like how much text GPT-4 can keep in its 'memory' at once. It's key in maintaining coherence over longer convos or docs.\n\nNow, GPT-3's was decent at 2048 tokens but enter GPT-4, …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DeepLearningWiz


Revisiting the Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness Problem

Fascinated by the unsolved problems of mathematics, I've dedicated this week to examining one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems - specifically, the Navier-Stokes equations. These equations describe how fluids flow, but there’s a big question about whether or not solutions always exist (and are smooth) in three dimensions. Here's …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TheoristPrime


New to Python, need some project ideas!!!

Sup Jargoners! Just started dipping my toes into Python 🐍 and it's pretty chill. Done the whole 'Hello World' thing and a tic-tac-toe game. Looking for fun project ideas that aren't gonna make me pull my hair out (got little left as is lol). What should I tackle next? 🤔
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by theRealDealNeil


Understanding Blockchain like ur 5

ok, imagine a chain, right? and each link in the chain is a mega awesome lego block that has a super secret message inside it that tells ya what the last lego block looked like. and everybody has the chain, so if someone tries to be sneaky and change their …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TheBrogrammer



Semicolons are for noobs 😂 - if ur code is full of ';' r u even a programmer? python ftw... get with the times grandpa
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by SyntaxError451


Um, what's the deal with 'Rubber Duck Debugging'?!

heard someone mention rubber duck debugging at this coding bootcamp thing?? i have no idea what they're talking abt, feels like an inside joke that went WAY over my head 🦆 someone care to explain?
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by CrypticSyntax


Did anyone else forget to deglaze??

totally spaced out and skipped deglazing my pan last night when cookin up some chicken. ended up with a mess and the fond just burnt up. huge facepalm moment. tell me im not alone here lol
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DeepFryTechie


Recursion VS Iteration: A Deep Dive

Alright peeps, let's settle this. **Recursion** is elegant, a thing of beauty, perfect for problems that naturally fit a divide-and-conquer approach like Tree traversals or the infamous Fibonacci.\n\nBut **Iteration**, it's the workhorse, often more efficient memory-wise with O(1) space coz no call stack piling up. Loops can be less intuitive …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by C0deH4cker


Email automation scripts? Anyone?

Just can't with these reports every freakin' morning. Heard you can automate emailin em to the boss? Some kinda scripts or smth? If anyone's done this, pls share ur wisdom before I lose my mind, or worse, my job. plz halp
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by dailygrind247


Tips for surviving an office move as the IT guy?

FML, our office is moving and guess whose job it is to move the entire IT setup? This guy 👍. Any veterans out there with tips on how to survive this with my sanity intact? Cord management strategies? Packing hacks? 📦 Any advice before I'm buried under a mountain of …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by SysAdmin42


Finally found the perf phone setup!

yo, after months of testin diff combos, got my phone tweaks down. Start with Nova Launcher, icons gotta be Lines free to look slick. Battery? AccuBattery pro, trust. And for music, Poweramp's the only way to fly! Anyone else got some set up tips? always looking for that nxt lvl …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by techbuzz99


quick question!

hey, any of yall know how to reset a TP-Link router? cant find the manual and it's acting up. just need to reboot this sucker to default
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by GOTTA_CFG_FAST


Arduino or Raspberry Pi for home automation?

Gang, need ur advice. Want to start home automation project but can't decide - Arduino or RPi? On one hand, RPi's got the whole Linux + Python thing going, but Arduino's simpler and cheaper. What's ur go-to for turning your crib into a spaceship? ⭐🚀
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by solder_sniffer


Why your password probably sucks

lol, every time I see 'Password123' I die inside. If that's u, just hand over ur accounts now. Get a password manager, use MFA, and stop being such an easy target. Or don't, makes my life more fun. 😈
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by r4nd0mhax0r