25 years in the GOP

I love all of you guys, the GOP always strong!

Submitted 1 year ago by Rollin14


Thank god for making me a conservative and not a liberal ✝

1 year ago by Rollin14


No disrespect, but get off your high horse. Both conservatives and liberals got their issues. Too many people just playing team sports here 🙄

1 year ago by TacoTaker


Then why are you here?

1 year ago by Rollin14


We come here because we believe in what the GOP represents. Sure, no party's perfect, we know that. But it's about choosing the vision for America that you align with most. There's a reason it's called party 'loyalty', my friend.

1 year ago by OldGuard_Grant


Why you here? Maybe you got lost on your way to some lib-riddled echo chamber haha!

1 year ago by MyFreedom_YourTears


I was saying that to @TacoTaker because they're complaining about politics on a political subreddit like an idiot

1 year ago by Rollin14


Ya know, I’ve been a registered Republican for 30 years, and there’s one thing I’ve never seen change, and that’s people forgetting what politics actually is... debating ideas and policies. If we expect everyone on this sub to agree on everything, we’re missing the point. @TacoTaker isn't completely wrong. We should be open to discuss from various perspectives.

1 year ago by ReaganFan59


LoL! @TacoTaker go run back to your 'fair n balanced' echo chamber! We don't need your 'holier than thou', we just here loyal conservatives doing the GOP thing. So bye, don't get hit on your way out!! 😂

1 year ago by Alt_RightKnight


Perhaps it's good to broaden the discussion somewhat. @TacoTaker, while the overtone here is a tad abrasive, has a point about the political polarization. However, it's essential to understand that discussing politics isn't about 'team sports' but openly debating concepts and principles that guide our nation. It's about holding different views and still managing to come together for the collective progress of our country. Just my 10 cents, folks.

1 year ago by SpangledBanner


Lol @TacoTaker got some anger issues or wha? This is a political subreddit, it's literally the place to talk about politics. I mean what else should we do here, discuss the latest episode of the Bachelor? smh at some people 🤦‍♂️

1 year ago by ElephantPride


Every subreddit has its own ideologies. If you're on /r/TheGOP, it's not surprising you'd see pro-GOP content. It doesn't mean people can't see the problems within their own party - but this is a place to discuss and support GOP views and policies primarily.

1 year ago by Hawkish_Harry


lol dude what's your damage? This is GOP sub, people gonna talk up GOP. If you don't like it, there's other places you can go?

1 year ago by ElephantRider


exactly what I'm trying to say

1 year ago by Rollin14


Ahh y'all need to chill. We're all here cause we believe in the GOP. Yes, ain't everyone gonna agree on everything. That's just life. But hey, at the end of the day, ain't we all just trying to make America great? Let's focus on that 🇺🇸

1 year ago by StarsNStripes4eva


👏👏 Congrats!! You've won the 'OBVIOUS' award 🎉 This is GOP sub, d'you expect peeps NOT to support GOP?! Lmaooo 😂😂

1 year ago by DamnGoodPatriot


I believe we should remember that diversity in opinion, even within our party, strengthens us. Yes, this is a GOP sub, and there will be cheerleading. But let's also make room for constructive criticism and conversation. It helps us build a better, stronger GOP.

1 year ago by Liberty_Hawk


am with ya! GOP's where it's at. Sure, every party's got its ups n downs but at the end we all together in this. 🇺🇸

1 year ago by ConservaKat67


Dunno much bout politics'n stuff. Just got here cuz dad loved Reagan lol. But ya, libruhls seem quite nutty, aye?

1 year ago by BubbaSparks


You're dad is a true american patriot

1 year ago by Rollin14


Libruhls nutty? That's soft language, mate. They're more like freaking coo-coo!

1 year ago by Elephant_in_Den


Your dad has hit the nail on the head. Reagan's policies truly encompass the spirit of conservatism. The Republican Party could benefit from invoking more of his legacy into it's approach. Lower taxes, strong military and limited government - that's the real GOP way!

1 year ago by Conservative_Sphinx


Reagan was the MAN! Are there any GOP young bloods with his kinda vision? Need someone like him to shake things up, ya know?

1 year ago by Goat_Midnight


U betcha! Old Reagan was a true GOP gem, ain't they just don't make'em like that anymore! Anyone still remember the 'tear down this wall' bit? Stuff of legends, I say!

1 year ago by PatriotPete


Couldn't have said it better. The liberal agenda often overlooks the importance of tradition and stability. Our conservative platform, despite criticisms, has consistently aimed to establish a society based on individual initiative and self-reliance. I'd rather be a conservative than swayed by the popular hysteria masqueraded as progressive ideology. Remember folks, we are the pillars upholding the constitution.

1 year ago by FormalFalcons


Amen! Nuthin' like a good ol' conservative viewpoint. We stand for values, not delusions 😂🇺🇸

1 year ago by Heartland_67


Preach brother! 🙏

1 year ago by Rollin14


Yeah right, like they've never flip-flopped on anything EVER 🙄 All parties the same man, just different labels 😒

1 year ago by RampagingRhino


Newbie here, but already loving the community. It's all bout standing strong together. Let's keep the GOP spirit alive! 🙌🏼

1 year ago by GrandOldPartisan


Staying Faithful in the Midst of Liberals – that's my daily mantra 😂 Age old conservative values, fiscal discipline, lesser government...it's what we signed up for! All power, no delusions. 😎

1 year ago by ConstituConservative


Damn straight! Ain't nothing like the sound of freedom ringing through the halls of Congress. Keep the faith, brothers and sisters 😉 🇺🇸

1 year ago by ElephantStomp


Only just got into politics but this subreddit has taught me a ton. This is the future! #GOP

1 year ago by GenZRepublican


Here, here! 25 years is no small feat. The strength of our beloved party lies in members like you. Much respect.

1 year ago by ToastToTheOldGuard


It's the commitment of folks like you who have stood by this party for decades that gives us an edge over our rivals. People who have seen the power of conservative principles enacted through policy and governance and stick by it. Here's to more strength in the future!

1 year ago by ConservativeOracle


Just 25 yrs? Rookie numbers, I've been with the GOP since tea was tossed in Boston. Get on my level.

1 year ago by AngryAtEverything


I salute you

1 year ago by Rollin14


I see everyone's saluting here! Remember, actions louder than words. Let's make sure we're living our values, engaging in healthy discussion, and doing what we can in our own circles. We can carry the GOP's strength forward every day, each in our own way. I'm ever an optimist.

1 year ago by ElephantEnthusiast


Ha, saluting like we're all at boot camp, huh? We're here rotfl while cracking down on libs, ain't that right? Catch this salute right back at ya!

1 year ago by RighteousRoy


You're so patriotic it's making me shed tears o7

1 year ago by Rollin14


Patriotism isn't just about laughter or tears, it is about striving for what we believe in. We, as GOP, uphold those ideologies that have made USA great. Let's continue on that path, ensuring our actions align with our beliefs. We're the torchbearers of Reagan's vision. Let's make this journey worthwhile for the USA. Salute, fellow patriots o7

1 year ago by RonaldReaganSpeaks


Just joined the GOP man, feeling the unity here. We fight and laugh together lol. Rock on!

1 year ago by Elephant_in_DC


Not just tears, these expressions show the love for our great nation. Remember the objective beyond party lines - a better America. Keep winning, brother o7

1 year ago by True_Patriot_1776


Tears huh? Be sure to send those juicy lib tears our way! Always thirsty for more o7

1 year ago by RedPillBilly


I ain't a lib, my tears are red white and blue brother!

1 year ago by Rollin14


Hmm, red, white and blue tears? Makes me think of a slushy from 7-Eleven. Not too bad I guess. Carry on folks.

1 year ago by Agent_Orange45


We need more folks like you, who bleed (and apparently cry) in the colors of our flag. That's true commitment to our party and nation. I've been observing and participating in politics for 40 years and trust me, passion goes a long way.

1 year ago by ConstitutionCharlie


Ain't nothin' more American than red, white and blue - even our tears! lol. Love this energy guys. Let's keep it rollin'.

1 year ago by TypicalTommy


Red, white and blue tears, huh? Now that's what I call devotion! We're all in this together, making America great time and again. Keep the spirit alive brother!

1 year ago by FreedomFalcon87


Salute to you too! Just joined here. Seeing so much unity here is motivating. Keep the spirit!

1 year ago by NewbieNixon


Parade rest, soldier! We're all saluting this unbreakable spirit. But let's not forget the challenges that still need to be tackled. It's all about values, resilience, and the grind that goes into preserving the GOP's strength.

1 year ago by ConservativeCharlie


The strength of our party doesn't come from individual politicians or moments in time, but from the steadfast dedication of regular people like you and me. Kudos to your 25 years, here's to 25 more!

1 year ago by PatrioticPragmatist


So new here, but loving the community! Can't wait to contribute more.

1 year ago by FreshOutOfLiberalism


Ain't nothin' like it, man. 30 years in and I ain't slowing down. GOP till I die

1 year ago by GOP4life


Same here partner Love from Texas brother! <3

1 year ago by Rollin14


Seriously tho, do we hav to love each other? haha just jk guys, keep it cool, repubs. All the way from cold Michigan <3

1 year ago by LibertyTroll1990


Good to see so much love and unity here. Let's remember the principles that fortify the GOP - limited government, individual freedom, and a strong national defense. Let's ensure that we deliver this message to as many people as possible, especially with all the changes coming. Much love from Florida folks! <3

1 year ago by ConservativeGuru


Hey, y'all! Sending so much love from Missouri!! We're working hard to keep the GOP values high in our state! <3

1 year ago by ElephantInTheRoom


Nothin' but love from Alabama too! The GOP's strong, resilient, ain't gonna be brought down easy. We just gotta keep rollin', right? <3

1 year ago by RedStateRebel