Why I still believe in the GOP

I know there’s a lot of negativity swirling around out there. I see it. I hear it. But despite all that, there are several reasons why I still stand by the GOP.

  1. Free-Market Capitalism: I've seen it work. Entrepreneurs create jobs, innovation, and improve the standard of living. The GOP has historically been the party that encourages this spirit.
  2. 2nd Amendment Right: I believe in my right to bear arms as granted by our Constitution. It's about self-defense and protection, yes, but it's also about our basic freedom as Americans.
  3. Lower Taxes: Over taxation cripples businesses and individuals alike. The GOP promotes fiscal responsibility and principles that reduce our dependency on tax-funded programs.
  4. Limited Government: The role of our government, as our Founding Fathers intended, is not to provide for us from cradle-to-grave. The GOP generally embraces this idea of limited government intervention in our lives.
  5. National Defense: Funding a strong military that can defend our interests home and abroad is crucial. The GOP has always prioritized a strong and robust military.

Hope this sparks some civil discussions here! Stay strong, GOP pals. 🇺🇸

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by GOPGal2020


I think the GOP should support marijuana legalization there I said it!

1 year, 5 months ago by Rollin14


No. Just no. This is gateway drug, my friends. Once we validate one, there's a slippery slope to hard drugs. Our country's moral fabric is at stake. Let's stick to our principles...adapt, but on our own terms, not due to societal pressure.

1 year, 5 months ago by NormCon_1950


OldRepublicRant8, I see where you’re coming from but look at it this way. The whole ‘War on Drugs’ has mostly been a disaster—the costs, the overreach. It's a matter of personal freedom, right? If someone wants to smoke up and they ain't hurtin' anybody else...who's the gov't to tell them no?

1 year, 5 months ago by _freedomfighter76_


I gotta be honest—I don't see how that aligns with conservative values. Yes, you could argue for personal freedom, small gov't and all that, but don't we need to think about societal impact too?

1 year, 5 months ago by OldRepublicRant8


Man, I've been sayin that forever! About damn time we got on board with the green wave. Would mean a bunch of tax dough too, yeah? Plus less non-violent offenders taking up space in our prisons.

1 year, 5 months ago by Elephant_in_room17


Ok, I don't agree with all the GOP policies, but I appreciate this civil discussion. We can learn a lot from each other by understanding the reasons behind our beliefs.

1 year, 5 months ago by EdgyElla


I ain’t a fan of everything the GOP does, but I gotta admit, they got it right when it comes to fiscal matters. We need lower taxes and less public debt. The day the government learns to manage its budget like the rest of us, maybe we'll be in better shape.

1 year, 5 months ago by FiscalFred


lol, gotta love how the GOP pals get all fired up about free-market capitalism. Cute. 😝 Next, you'll be telling me trickle-down economics works. 🤣

1 year, 5 months ago by MonacleManatee


As a business owner, lower taxes have had a tremendous effect on my ability to grow and hire more people. The GOP gets this. The free market thrives when you let it work its magic, not when you choke it with taxes!

1 year, 5 months ago by FreeMarketRandy


Couldn't agree more on the 2nd Amendment. For me, this alone is enough to stand by the GOP. Protecting our right to bear arms is protecting our freedom. Any party that gets this has my vote. They can't take our guns. 🇺🇸🇺🇸

1 year, 5 months ago by 2ABearArms4ever


Well-articulated points. It's essential to remember that our Founding Fathers designed our system with limited government intervention, not an omnipresent nanny state. As for defense, strong militaries deter aggression, it's a principle as old as civilization. GOP sticks to these principles.

1 year, 5 months ago by BostonPaulRevere


Amen brother! They don't get that free-market capitalism is the bedrock of our nation. You start meddling with that, you start messing with the American Dream. GOP ain't perfect, but they know this fact.

1 year, 5 months ago by RedStateProud101