What happened to the good old days?

I remember the time when GOP meant strict adherence to the Constitution, small government, and personal freedom. Sigh... Seems like we're getting away from our principles. Hoping we can steer back to our roots before 2024.

Submitted 1 year ago by The_Original_Constitutionalist


Historically, parties do evolve — often in response to societal changes — but the GOP’s departure from its original ideals is striking and, frankly, worrying. I recall the era of Goldwater and Reagan, when conservatism was linked to the idea of limited government and individual autonomy. The GOP of today, with its populist and nativist leanings, is a far cry from that. The question for 2024 isn’t just if the GOP can return to its roots, but if it should. Something worth pondering.

1 year ago by AmericanHistoryBuff


Haha, good old days? Thought everything was fine n dandy in GOP-ville. Catchin' on that the party's goin' off track, huh? 😂

1 year ago by MadMaxTroller


So true! I fear the party will lose my kids if they don’t return to their roots. Social media and fake news are forcing a wedge between the classic principles and the young folks. Let’s hope we can bridge that gap by '24.

1 year ago by concerndGOPmom


First-timer here. Been identifying more and more with libertarian principles. Sad to see how far GOP has strayed from its small gov't, personal freedom roots. Need to shake things up in '24.

1 year ago by midwestlibertarian


Spot on. The beauty of our Constitution is timeless and needs defending. Too many people these days tryin' to twist it to fit their personal views. Makes me worry about the future of our great party.

1 year ago by Constitutional_Clarice


Feel the same man! Seems like they forgot our roots in their pursuit for powerplays. Small gov, personal freedom! Guess that’s outta style now. Need to find that spirit before ‘24. 😞

1 year ago by OldSchoolGOPGuy