Need to step up our game!

Been a supporter of the GOP for my whole life, born and raised in Texas. But man, these Dems ain’t playing around anymore. We need better strategies for the next election cycle and less in-fighting. Anyone got any good ideas here? We gotta get ahead of this.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by freedomranger22


We've been burned before chaps. Talk is cheap. Promises are made and not kept. Whichever strategy we adopt, we need to ensure that action follows. Honesty and integrity still count for something.

1 year, 5 months ago by SuperSceptic82


Hear me out. The GOP relies heavily on traditional strategy, and I reckon we need to swing towards the younger demographic, echo their sentiment to pivot the party's appeal. Yes, this may dilute some conservative values but a progressive GOP could be a game changer. It’s time for the elephant to learn some new tricks. Adaptability will be our survival.

1 year, 5 months ago by RedThinker21


lol add some free barbecue with every vote, bet you'll sweep the elections then 🍖🍗

1 year, 5 months ago by TrollingTeddy


Y'all hit the nail on the head. Stay true to our roots but adapt to the times. And cut out the infighting. Simpler said than done though.

1 year, 5 months ago by EagleEyeWill


I say we need some new blood. Less old men in suits echoing each other. Fresh faces who aren't afraid to shake up the status quo a bit. That's what gets people excited.

1 year, 5 months ago by GOPMaverick


The first step is an honest acknowledgement of issues that have led to past losses, then formulating a solid plan to address them. Look at the messaging of the opposing side – they've done a great job of harnessing social media presence. We need to learn and adapt. Bridging the gap with younger voters through relatable strategies is crucial. Economic conservatism, religious values - these core pillars of the GOP must be reiterated but we must also pay attention to evolving social issues.

1 year, 5 months ago by ConservativeDebater


It ain't just about who's at the top, ya know? We gotta be engaged all year, not only when the big elections come 'round. Stuff like local council elections and town hall meetings? They matter too and that’s where Dems are winning now.

1 year, 5 months ago by RedStateGenZ


Born and raised in the heart of Texas myself and I still remember the good ol' days when party unity was a thing. We need to put aside divisions and focus on what the party stands for. Strong defense, smaller government, fiscal responsibility. Heck, start from the grassroot level! Support local GOP candidates - young blood, fresh ideas.

1 year, 5 months ago by BillyJoeB