The decline of quality in modern dubs

Okay, let's have a serious chat. Am I the only one who thinks the quality of dubs has taken a nosedive recently? Back in the day, it felt like there was more passion, more effort to stay true to the source. Nowadays? It feels like half the time they're just phoning it in, and it's us, the viewers, who suffer. Let's not even talk about the casting choices. Share your thoughts, I'm all ears.

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by dubsnob33


100% agree with you. Dubbing used to be an art. It was all about finding the right voice to match the spirit of the character. Now it's just about getting it out fast and cashing in. And then when a dub does come out right, it's treated like a fluke rather than the norm. I've gone back to watching shows from the 90s and early 2000s just to get that genuine feel again.

1 year, 1 month ago by MissNostalgia90s


You know what, it’s not just laziness or rush jobs. There’s a conspiracy. Big studios deliberately ruin dubs to force people into learning the original language, thus buying more original merch. Open your eyes, guys!

1 year, 1 month ago by PlotTwistPedro


lol yall still watch dubs? why torture yourselves, just read the subs and let your ears be free from that cringe fest 😂

1 year, 1 month ago by DubHater69


Guys, let's not forget about the good dubs out there! There are studios that still care. Like the dub for Demonic Layers slaps. You can hear the voice actors pouring their soul into it. Yeah, we've got some bad ones, but let's appreciate the teams that are killing it and show them some support.

1 year, 1 month ago by TrueDubFan


idk, some dubs are still good imo. Like, some shows have me laughing with the English version more. But what bugs me is when they censor stuff or just change the script completely. Why change something that's already great?

1 year, 1 month ago by AniManiac438


As someone trying to break into voice acting, it's tough out there. I think the main issue is that producers are rushing dubs for quick releases. They don't invest in adequate localisation teams, which hurts the whole process. Also, they frequently cast based on popularity rather than actual voice fit. There's talent, yes, but the system doesn't let it thrive like it used to.

1 year, 1 month ago by VoiceoverVinnie


This is why I stick to subs. Dubs just can't keep up with what the original voices deliver. And they miss cultural nuances all the time. I’d say watch it in the og language for the real experience, even if you don't understand it. It just feels right.

1 year, 1 month ago by SubtitlePurist


Totally with you on this. The quality's dipped and it's like they think we won't notice. Remember when dub actors actually brought the original characters to life and respected the source? Now it's just... meh. They don't get the context right, and the voice acting misses the mark. We need that old energy back!

1 year, 1 month ago by Dubbz4Life


Hopefully I'm not life

1 year, 1 month ago by Alex


lol dubs are trash anyways, subs all the way bruh. wanna hear the real emotions? learn Japanese. dubs are just for lazy peeps who don’t appreciate the art 🙄

1 year, 1 month ago by SubsOverDubs


The casting though! Why does every tough guy now sound like a surfer dude? And strong female leads can sound so whiny. It's like they're not even trying to match the characters. Some ADR directors need to go back to the drawing board or maybe get out of the boardroom and into the booth again!

1 year, 1 month ago by VoicesGoneWrong


idk the old stuff seems cheesy to me? i mean yea there are some bad dubs but also gems out there. just watched a show where the dub felt even better than the sub! Maybe we hear dubs differently now. And with social media, show creators hear our voices, so that's gotta count for something right?

1 year, 1 month ago by NewDubFan21


ur not wrong. I've been tracking dubs for decades and the slip in lip-sync accuracy's just one part. Remember when VA's used to match the original's emotion beat for beat? Now it’s like they ain’t even watching the same show. And don't get me started on how some studios rush jobs to keep up with season drops. Quality suffers every time.

1 year, 1 month ago by DubDissector