Just here for some love for the dubs community!

Hey everyone, been watchin' dubs and subs for as long as I can remember. Sometimes, ya just wanna kick back and not read the screen, right? Plus, I love hearin' the different takes on characters from English VAs. Who's your favorite dubbed character and why? Mine's Spike from Cowboy Bebop - Steve Blum is a legend!

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by subsdubslover


English dubs can be hit or miss, but let's talk about 'Neon Genesis Evangelion.' Spike Spencer as Shinji, a character full of existential dread, was surprisingly fitting. I think the dub adds a layer of relatability that sometimes gets lost in the sub.

1 year, 1 month ago by animephilosopher


Anyone else love the dub work on 'Death Note'? Brad Swaile as Light Yagami was so good! The way he switches from innocent student to psycho was insanely good.

1 year, 1 month ago by BingeWatcher101


I used to be all about subs, but then I gave dubs a shot and wow, not going back. The dub for 'Your Name' was beautiful. Michael Sinterniklaas and Stephanie Sheh nailed it. Made me cry just as hard as the sub did.

1 year, 1 month ago by sub2dub_converter


Hey! New to the whole anime scene. Just saw My Hero Academia in dub. Not sure how to compare yet but I liked it! Eraserhead sounds sooo cool.

1 year, 1 month ago by noobwatcher


Spike's pretty cool ngl, but have you guys heard Zoro from One Piece dubbed by Christopher Sabat? That rough voice is Zoro to a T. Makes me wanna lift weights every time I hear it 😆

1 year, 1 month ago by justdubthings


Steve Blum is an icon, agreed! But lemme throw in a recommendation for the English dub of 'Hellsing Ultimate.' Crispin Freeman as Alucard is pure genius, he captures the subtlety of the character with a menacing elegance that's just chef's kiss

1 year, 1 month ago by voiceactressfan


Dubs? Seriously? Nothing beats the original. You lose half the emotion and none of those English VAs can match the originals pfft

1 year, 1 month ago by angrysubpurist


Totally with you on kickin' back with dubs! My fave has got to be Edward Elric from FMA:B dubbed by Vic Mignogna. The emotion he brings to Ed is just epic 🤘. Makes rewatching the series a whole new experience every time!

1 year, 1 month ago by dubfanatic92