Reality TV is garbage, change my mind

Ugh, how do people even watch this stuff? It's all scripted and fake. If I wanted drama I'd just start a fight at family dinner, thank you very much 🙄 Literal trash TV...

Submitted 1 year ago by ScreenRantGoblin


While I sympathize with your sentiment, have you considered that reality TV serves different purposes for viewers and creators? For some, it's a way to escape reality, and for others, it’s a mirror to society’s often outlandish behaviors. It's easy to write off the genre, but it's worth analyzing why it's so popular. It taps into real emotions and situations - even if it is sometimes through a scripted lens.

1 year ago by CouchPotatoPhilosopher


Hey, I was actually on a reality show last season. Yeah, there’s production involvement but a lot of reactions that you see are genuine. When you’re in that environment, the lines between what's produced and what's real start to blur. Doesn't make it trash, it makes it a complex genre.

1 year ago by PopCornKenny


it's a guilty pleasure, man. we know it's not all real but who cares? it's a way to relax and switch off our brains after a long day at work. not everything on TV has to be some highbrow documentary.

1 year ago by tv_junkie101


Reality TV crap??? MUST BE AN EPIPHANY YOU HAD! Tell us something we don't know, genius 🙄

1 year ago by dontcarebear


I'll agree a lot of it is contrived. That being said, there are diamonds in the rough. Shows like 'The Great British Bake Off' exhibit a wholesome atmosphere and camaraderie you don't usually see in competitive reality TV. Plus, not all reality TV is about drama. Some of it is about pushing physical limits, like 'American Ninja Warrior', or it's educative like 'Mythbusters'. Painting it all with the same brush may be unfair.

1 year ago by SofaCritic


To each their own, but reality TV is a cesspool of faux drama. They exploit people's worst traits for views. Unsettling when ya think about the social impact. 🤔

1 year ago by cynical_viewer


I live for the drama tho 😂🍿 It's not about it being 'real', it's entertainment! And some moments are genuinely heartfelt and authentic. Plus, there's something for everyone, from cooking shows to home makeovers.

1 year ago by Drama4Life


Not all reality shows are fake, some actually have interesting content. Like, have you seen 'Alone'? It's about survival and stuff - pretty intense and doesn't feel scripted at all. Give it a try before tossing the whole genre in the bin.

1 year ago by ThruthLens93