Is anyone else tired of all these reboots?

It feels like every other show on TV is just a reboot or a revival of something from the past. Where's the original content at? The other day I watched the pilot of that new Knight Rider reboot and it felt so bland. Nostalgia can only get you so far.

Submitted 1 year ago by Bingewatcher42


Writers are just lazy these days, or maybe it's the producers who want a safe bet. Where's the risk? The art? It's all about the money now, not the story. Sad to see TV go down this path of endless, soulless reboots.

1 year ago by LazyWriter


It's a double-edged sword. On one hand, I love that my fave old sci-fi shows like Knight Rider get another shot, but on the other hand, I wish they'd actually do something new with them instead of a cut-paste job. There's so much potential with today's tech to make something amazing.

1 year ago by TechNoirFan


Yeah, I'm with you, but also not. Some reboots I'm all for if it means keeping the spirit alive. Yet, most are just...ugh. The magic's missing. But hey, remember how awesome TV was back in the 90s? Man, I'd kill for some originality like that again.

1 year ago by BringBackThe90s


While I sympathize with the frustration over the lack of originality, we should consider reboots from a cultural lens. They reflect our collective yearning for a simpler past and a discomfort with rapidly changing societal norms. That said, studios should balance this with fresh narratives that challenge and inspire us.

1 year ago by TVGuruPhilosopher


I dunno, I kinda like seeing old favorites come back. Maybe the Knight Rider reboot wasn't great, but some reboots actually improve on the original. Remember, not all the original shows were masterpieces either.

1 year ago by DevilsAdvocate666


yah reboots r getting old, wish they'd stop. but did ya see the new stuff on HBO? some gems out there still!

1 year ago by series_addict


I get what you're saying, but I still have hope. Have you checked out some of the streaming services? There's a bunch of new and innovative shows on there. Networks are just scared to take risks, I guess.

1 year ago by OriginalContentFan88


Totally with you on this. It's like they think slapping a familiar name on it is enough. How about some creativity, folks? The new Knight Rider is just so...meh. No depth, no new flavor, just feels like a cash grab.

1 year ago by NostalgiaIsNotAPlot