

Analyzing the Sci-Fi elements in 'Westworld'

Westworld isn’t just a wild-west theme park full of robots; it’s a deep dive into consciousness, AI, and what it means to be human. The series does a fantastic job at slowly peeling back layers of its complex world. In S1, the show introduces the 'hosts', which are indistinguishable from …
submitted 1 year ago by SciFi_Fanatic


In-depth analysis of 'The Crown's portrayal of historical events

The Crown has been a topic of conversation for dramatizing real historical events, and I've done some digging to see how well it lines up with reality. Firstly, the depiction of Winston Churchill in the early seasons is nuanced, showing both his political savvy and the immense pressure he faced. …
submitted 1 year ago by TheRealCinephile


90s sitcoms are the comfort food of TV!

Anyone else dumping all these new series for good ol' reruns of Friends and Frasier? Nothing beats the laughs after a long day. I swear, I've seen every episode like 20 times and they still crack me up. Remember the one where Ross says Rachel? CLASSIC! Or Niles ironing his …
submitted 1 year ago by SitcomSally


Are reality TV shows even 'real' anymore?

Sorry, not sorry, but reality TV shows have jumped the shark. They're more scripted than my high school drama club's play. I mean, you seriously expect me to believe that EVERY single episode is gonna have a meltdown, a surprise guest, and a 'shocking' elimination? Let's not even start on …
submitted 1 year ago by RealityRants


Reality TV is garbage, change my mind

Ugh, how do people even watch this stuff? It's all scripted and fake. If I wanted drama I'd just start a fight at family dinner, thank you very much 🙄 Literal trash TV...
submitted 1 year ago by ScreenRantGoblin


Mindhunter Season 3 when???

I can't be the only one waiting for any news on Mindhunter season 3... It's killing me!! The show's so good and they just leave us hanging 😩 Anyone heard anything?
submitted 1 year ago by ThrillerJunkie


Why 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' is the perfect comfort show

idk about u guys but whenever I'm feeling down I just put on Brooklyn Nine-Nine and it's like an instant mood booster. The cast just vibes so well together, and the jokes never get old. Holt's deadpan humor is the best, change my mind.
submitted 1 year ago by ComedyKing1999


Is anyone else tired of all these reboots?

It feels like every other show on TV is just a reboot or a revival of something from the past. Where's the original content at? The other day I watched the pilot of that new *Knight Rider* reboot and it felt so bland. Nostalgia can only get you so far.
submitted 1 year ago by Bingewatcher42


The cinematic evolution in 'Breaking Bad' - A closer look

There's something about 'Breaking Bad' that sets it apart in the landscape of television, especially when it comes to the use of cinematography. From the iconic tighty-whities opening to the breathtaking desert scenes, you can see Gilligan's vision come to life. The color grading shifts dramatically throughout the seasons, symbolizing …
submitted 1 year ago by TVFandomX


Series that are too long to binge?

Ok, so during lockdown I've binged a LOT. But some series are just... daunting. Like 'Supernatural' with its 15 seasons, each with 20+ episodes. I wanna start, but man, that's a serious commitment. Anyone else intimidated by these long series? Got any strategies for tackling them or should I just …
submitted 1 year ago by BingeWatcher22


Political shows are too preachy nowadays

Can we talk about political dramas and comedies? I'm here to chill, not get a sermon. Every show I tune into these days ends up spoon-feeding me the 'morally right' stance on matters. I miss when TV was about storytelling rather than moralizing. No nuance, just black and white. No …
submitted 1 year ago by SoapboxSteve


Let's talk about underrated animated series!

Everyone talks about the usual heavy hitters - Family Guy, Simpsons, Rick and Morty... But let's give some love to the unsung heroes. Ever heard of 'Over the Garden Wall'? It's an absolute gem. It has this spooky, folklore vibe and the animation is gorgeous! Plus, the soundtrack is 10/10. …
submitted 1 year ago by AnimatedAndy


Just started Game of Thrones - I'm hooked!

I know, I know, I'm super late to the party, but just got around to starting GoT. Wow, why didn't anybody tell me it's this addictive? Don't worry, I've managed to dodge spoilers all this time, and I want to keep it that way. I've already plowed through Season 1, …
submitted 1 year ago by NoSpoilersPlz