Hey everyone, wanted to get your insights on how to make older kids (think 7-9 yrs) appreciate Super Why when it’s clearly aimed at the younger crowd. My eldest sees their younger sib watch it but can't quite get into it. Any tricks to make them see the fun and educational side without feeling it's 'too young' for them? Has anyone had any success?
Submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by TheQuestionFairy
I used to be the older sib in this situation. What got me interested was when my parents pointed out the cool side of reading and how Super Why actually helps with it. Maybe get them books at their reading level that are just as fun? Show them they've 'leveled up' in their reading adventure?
Honestly, sometimes older kids just won't vibe with shows aimed at tots. Maybe find something that's a middle ground? Something they can all enjoy? Super Why is great but there's a whole world of slightly more mature educational content that could be fun for both!
I've had a similar sitch with my kids. What worked for us was actually discussing the themes of the episodes after. The older kids can get something out of it by digging into the story elements and character choices, kinda like junior literary critics! Plus, it's a great way to bond and improve their analytical skills. Double win!
Maybe try getting them involved in the show as a 'helper' for the little one? Like, they could make it a game to find the answers before the characters do or come up with alternate story endings. Might make them feel more 'grown-up' and in charge while still engaging with the show.