Super Why is Saving Grammar

In a world where texting has butchered the English language, 'Super Why' is a beacon of hope. It's refreshing to see a children's show that doesn't dumb down content but rather challenges young minds to grasp and apply proper grammar and spelling. My 5-year-old corrected a misspelling on a grocery list, and I have Super Why to thank! This proves educational television has a profound impact on literacy and should be widely supported. More shows should follow in Super Why's footsteps and honor the English language with such respect. Kudos to the creators!

Submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by GrammarGoldilocks


Most shows dumb it down way too much. Super Why's cool with its puzzles and stuff but sometimes I think it gets a bit too preachy with grammar. Kids gotta have some fun too, you know?

11 months, 2 weeks ago by CartoonCritic


'Super Why' is the hero we need! Rhymes, spelling games, and reading adventures. It's refreshing to see kids get so into literature and language, plus it's helping to bridge the learning gap before school starts!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by WordPlayWizard


Sure, it's great that shows can teach stuff, but let's not forget the importance of parents reading to kids too. TV shouldn't replace storytime with mom and dad.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by SkepticReader


no joke, this show is a godsend. kid was watching and the next thing you know he's correcting my shopping list. never thought a tv show would be teaching my child to read before school did.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by PreschoolParent


It's fascinating to see the positive effects of educational programming. Super Why encompasses core literacy skills, and it's interactive, which increases engagement. A critical blend of learning and entertainment is crucial for effective education in today's digital age.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by EdTechAdvocate


but why we need grammar when 'I can haz cheeseburger' makes perfect sense??? XD

11 months, 2 weeks ago by LolSpeakLover


As someone who cringes at every 'your/you're' mistake on the internet, I can't stress enough how important shows like Super Why are. It's about time we saw a shift back to valuing proper English, especially for the kiddos!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by GrammarGuru99


Absolutely agree! My niece loves Super Why and she has definitely picked up some great grammar habits. It's not just educational, it's actually fun for them too, which is a win-win in my book.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by WhymeSuperFan