Finished Odyssey yesterday... Feels like I've lost a friend lol. What do y'all do after the main story? I'm planning to 100% it but idk if it's gonna fill the void Mario left. Should I go for speedrunning or just try a diff game? Suggestions welcome!
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by TripleJumpMaster
Been playing Odyssey since day one, and 100% it twice. The game's packed with secrets and side quests. If you haven't already, find all the costumes, do the jump-rope and volleyball challenges, and hunt down every last purple coin. The 'void' you're feeling is just room for more Mario, my friend.
100% completion is definitely worth it, there's tons of content post-game that gives you that extra challenge. Don't skip those tougher levels! And if you want to stick with Mario, why not go back and play some classics or tackle Super Mario Maker 2 to get your fix?