Sharing my custom Super Mario Maker 2 level

Spent the last week tweaking this level. It's a mix of sky-high platforming with some tricky ice sections. Code is XYZ-123-ABC. Feedback is welcomed—I want to make it super challenging but fair. Enjoy and lemme know your thoughts!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by KoopaKrafter


Not sure if you're trolling us with that difficulty spike towards the end, but some of us aren't masochists, ya know? Could use a bit of toning down so my mortal fingers can actually beat it. Solid work otherwise.

1 year, 3 months ago by SuspiciousBoo


Lol, ice levels? What is this, a penguin's birthday party? Jk, but seriously, lower the ice or my controller goes through the screen next time. ;)

1 year, 3 months ago by LuigiFanatic22


Wow, what a ride! Loved the mixture of precision jumping and the tense ice segments. Your level actually reminded me of some classic Super Mario World stages with a modern twist. I went through it a couple of times for fun. Kudos for the clear effort you put into this! Have you thought about creating a themed series? Seems like you've got the skills for it!

1 year, 3 months ago by PlatformingFiend


I'm all for a good challenge but I feel like you might have overdone it with the ice. Maybe it's just me though. Solid level otherwise.

1 year, 3 months ago by YoshiGoesHard


omg those ices sections are slippery as heck!! but its super fun once you get the hang of it. i like how its hard but not impossible, really pushes you to get better

1 year, 3 months ago by IceToMeetYou


Hey, great design on the sky sections, kept me on my toes. Those ice parts tho are brutal, man. I suggest reducing the enemy count there, as it gets a bit overwhelming with the slippery surface. Also, the power-up placement is really thoughtful, props on not making it a cake walk. Could become a classic with some tweaks! 👌

1 year, 3 months ago by SkyHighKoopa


Code didn't work? Double check it?

1 year, 3 months ago by ChillGamerDude


Just played your level and wow, definitely challenging with those ice sections! Took me a few tries, but felt awesome when I finally nailed it. Maybe consider adding one more checkpoint before the final stretch? Just to ease the pain a bit lol. Great job tho!

1 year, 3 months ago by MarioMaster64