Breaking Free from the Shackles: My Story

This is gonna be long, but I need to let it out.

Being raised by strict parents, the eldest in a family of six, I've always had it tough. Sometimes it felt like everything I did came with a clause, an invisible binding that was constantly suffocating me. The rules, the restrictions, the fear of failing them, it was all there. But one day, I decided to speak up.

Yes, I did respect their care and concern but their overbearing nature was crushing my personality. So, one day I sat them down. Shaking, stuttering, teardrops in the corners of my eyes, I told them what I felt. I told them I wasn't their little obedient puppet anymore but their daughter who yearned for freedom and space.

There were confrontations, arguments, and a lot of tears but we made it through. Now, things aren’t perfect, but they're definitely better. They try to understand me, keep their control in check, and I don’t feel suffocated anymore. And it wasn't just my victory, but theirs too. They broke the patterns they were probably subjected to during their youth.

It took a lot of courage and patient persistence, but it was worth it. And to anyone struggling to find their voice in a similar situation, hang in there. Be brave, be patient, and never be afraid to speak up for yourself. You are not alone.

Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by stand_up_speakeasy


Your sharing brought tears to my eyes. I know it's not easy to speak up especially when it's about family. Your courage is applauding. You're not just breaking free but also helping your family break free from their own shackles, it's amazing. Stay strong dear!

1 year, 4 months ago by EmergingButterfly


Freedom!!! Liberated from parental tyranny!! Next time, tell them you wanna be a rockstar. Watch them break a sweat! 😂

1 year, 4 months ago by JokerZ_Wild


As a parent myself, I can understand what you went through must've been tough. Nobody's perfect, and parenting is a challenging job. We often continue the patterns we were raised with. It's admirable that you gathered the courage to break out of your limitations, causing your parents to reflect on their behavior too. It's a lesson to all parents out there too, to always consider the feelings and opinions of their kids.

1 year, 4 months ago by Parenting101


Been a silent follower on this subreddit. Your story really hit close to home. Just wanted to say thank you for sharing. It gives me courage. Kudos to you for standing your ground!

1 year, 4 months ago by QuietListener300


Uh-oh, someone's lived rebellious teenage movie life! Congrats on your 'Freedom', next what? Running for president?

1 year, 4 months ago by Trollinator3000


Commendable! The courage to confront your family and express your feelings when it gets excessive is not everyone's cup of tea. Remember, its not just your victory, but theirs too by realizing and working on change. Continue the dialogue with them. All the best on your journey!

1 year, 4 months ago by GreyWise1


Wow, your story is SO relatable! I'm also dealing with strict parents n it's just not fair. Gaining the courage to speak up, u're an inspiration fr. Respect!!

1 year, 4 months ago by Statute_Gurl98