Can't decide Crop for Summer. New Player's doubts, Help!

Hey guys, just started to play like a week ago. i'm on my first summer and i'm not sure which crop would be most profitable. heard something about blueberries but they take a lot of water, are they worth the hassle?

Submitted 10 months, 3 weeks ago by Farmer_Joe1995


If you're just looking for high profit margins, then you should definitely go for blueberries. Even taking into account the watering cost & time, their recurring nature allows you to maximize your profits over the course of the summer. Combined with their high yield per harvest (3 blueberries per bush), you will be making a hefty profit by the season's end. Besides, if you invest in some Quality Sprinklers, watering won't be much of an issue either.

10 months, 3 weeks ago by DataDiver


Yeah, plant some rocks. Heard they grow well in the summer.

10 months, 3 weeks ago by TrollingTomato


I just plant a mix of everything, 'cause I like how it looks. 😁 My farm's not the most profitable, but it's pretty!

10 months, 3 weeks ago by Just4TheFun


I tried growing Starfruits once. It's the most expensive summer crop but the profit is insane. Could have made a killing... if a freakin' crow hadn't eaten half my crop. 😡

10 months, 3 weeks ago by RNGSux


Definitely go for blueberries. They take a lot of watering, but if you can get your hands on some sprinklers, they'll do all the work for you. Also, you might consider getting some beehives and making some blueberry honey. It's not the most profitable, but it's a nice little extra.

10 months, 3 weeks ago by StarProTip


Well, let's look at the numbers here. Blueberries cost 80g to buy, and you'll get 3 berries every harvest which sell for 50g each. So that's a profit of 70g per plant, per harvest, after the first one. You can harvest blueberries four times over the course of a summer, so that's 3x50g x 4 = 600g per plant, minus the initial 80g = 520g profit per plant for the summer. It's one of the most profitable crops for summer. But, it's true that they need watering every day, so you'll need to consider your ability to maintain them.

10 months, 3 weeks ago by FarmingFacts


I started with melons myself. They take a while to grow, but they made me a good profit. Now I'm wondering if blueberries might be better... 🤔

10 months, 3 weeks ago by NewbieGardner


Yeah, blueberries can be a bit of a hassle with watering, but honestly, I think they're worth it. Especially if you're able to get some sprinklers up and running. They'll produce multiple berries per harvest; that's more bang for your buck. Just remember they won't regrow after you pick 'em. Happy farming, kiddo.

10 months, 3 weeks ago by JohnnyFarmer