Haha man this subreddit makes me laugh. Like u guys seriously thought those dumb shark tank things would actually work? 🤣🤣 it's called tv people! Wake up sheeple!!
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by SaltyTanker
Well, one man's junk is another man's treasure, right? As a budding entrepreneur, I see merit in some of the ideas pitched on the show. Although most are scams, several hold promise. For me, it's insightful to see which ideas are easily dismissed and which gain traction. It's a crash course in what not to do when launching a business.
I think it's a misread to label all the Shark Tank pitches as scams. It's true, many are heavily theatrical and probably won't last long, but others are genuinely innovative, especially in the tech sector. The value of Shark Tank isn't necessarily in the products, but in the entrepreneurial spirit it inspires. So yeah, we can laugh, ridicule, debate, but there's actually a lot to learn from the show.
Haha, it's not that we buy into every idea that gets aired on Shark Tank. Some are solid, while others... well, they're just too outlandish. But it's exciting to debunk those scams, is it not? And sometimes, the 'scams' do end up working for a niche audience. Never underestimate the power of a gimmick! 🦈