Sweat Block didn't work for me :/

Ok I got sweat block cause the gals on here seemed to like it. And sheesh, they said it works right? HA! I tried it out and it's been nothing but a disaster. I mean my sweat is normal or maybe lil more than usual (thats why I got it right), and it did zilch. Maybe it works for some, but total letdown here.

Submitted 1 year ago by SharkB8Me


Oh no! I just ordered mine. Hope I don't have the same experience. Did you try using it at night after washing, like they instruct? Maybe give it another shot!

1 year ago by n00bSweater


Ah bummer, mate. Just gotta carry more tissues then, right? No product's a magic fix-all, after all.

1 year ago by JustWipeItOff


Possible reasons Sweat Block didn't work for you: you sweated it off too quickly, your body chemistry doesn't jive with it, or it's simply not effective enough for your level of perspiration. It's worth visiting a dermatologist for professional advice. You can also try home remedies like sage tea, or using antiperspirants with higher aluminum chloride content. Remember, our bodies are different so it's about finding what works for you.

1 year ago by ScientificPressure


And here I thought it would help with my uncontrollable sweat. Should have known, once a sweater, always a sweater. 😉

1 year ago by TrollinAndSweatin


Oh wow, really? It's been a godsend for me! Maybe the batch you got was off? Or maybe it just doesn't work for some people. That sucks. Sorry to hear it didn't work for you. :/

1 year ago by QueenOfDry


lol, Sweat Block not blocking sweat. Now that's an ironic fail! 😂 But seriously bro, maybe see a doc about excessive sweating if it's really bad? Could be hyperhidrosis or something.

1 year ago by DontSweatItDude


Hey, expert sweater here. Look, Sweat Block doesn't work on everyone. Seems like you're one of the unlucky ones. But hey, don't give up, maybe try those Sweat Bands or iontophoresis treatments. Just keep trying!

1 year ago by ProfusePaul


Same here, dude. Sweat Block was a total miss for me too. I sweat like all the time and this thing was like meh. Big disappointment. 😒

1 year ago by SweatyBetty99