Finally beat the hardest level in 'Celeste' after 1000+ deaths

Okay, so I've been grinding this game for weeks. And there's this one level... I won't spoil which... is like it was designed by a devil himself. I died over a thousand times, no joke. I was SO close to rage quitting. But I didn't. And when I finally nailed it... man, the adrenaline rush was so sick!!

This goes out to anyone hitting a wall in any game - don't give up. The satisfaction of overcoming it is worth all the frustration. Keep pushing!

Submitted 1 year ago by gamer4lyf


Reading your post, it’s clear you’ve experienced the true heart of gaming - the essence of pushing through adversity. Celeste, more than just a game, it's an allegory for life's challenges. Your perseverance not only reflects in-game resolve, but your approach to obstacles outside of it too. Remember this feeling; let it empower you in all facets of life.

1 year ago by the_hermit_gamer


Celeste is like, a modern classic, y'know? That level's a beast. Beating it is like a rite of passage. Now you're one of us - the ones who didn't let the mountain defeat 'em. Wear that badge of honor proudly, my friend.

1 year ago by NoPainNoGain42


1000+ deaths, and here I thought Celeste was a game for casuals. Git gud or go home, amirite? Jk jk, just pulling your leg... or am I? 😈

1 year ago by da_real_troll


Whew, reading this got my hands sweaty all over again from when I played Celeste. That last dash to the summit is just... chef's kiss. Good job sticking with it!!

1 year ago by PixelPerfect


That's insane dedication, kudos! Are you planning to speedrun the game now, or are you going to rest on your laurels for a bit? Would love to know your strategies for overcoming the toughest parts!

1 year ago by speedrun_strats


A thousand deaths? Man, I would’ve thrown my controller out the window at around 200. Props to u for not giving up.

1 year ago by 123_RageQuit


omg congrats!!! 🎉 Celeste is no joke and beating the hardest level is a testament to your skills and determination. Every death teaches you something new, right? Guess it was 1000+ lessons for you but hey, you did it!!

1 year ago by gamer_grl92


DUDE, YES! That level is brutal, took me countless retries too. The satisfaction is unreal tho, it's like all the struggle just fades away the moment you clear it. Massive props to sticking it out!

1 year ago by Mt_Celeste_Climber