My Grandma's Secret Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe!

Okay so my grandma finally let me in on her secret chocolate chip cookie recipe and they are to DIE for! She's been perfecting it over decades and it's a family treasure. Sharing it cuz good things should be spread like love <3

Ingredients: - 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour - 1/2 tsp baking soda - 1 cup unsalted butter, room temp - 1/2 cup granulated sugar - 1 cup packed light-brown sugar - 1 tsp salt - 2 tsp pure vanilla extract - 2 large eggs - 2 cups semisweet and/or milk chocolate chips

Instructions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl, whisk together flour and baking soda; set aside. 2. In the large bowl, combine the butter with both sugars; beat on medium speed until light and fluffy. Reduce speed to low; add the salt, vanilla, and eggs. Beat until well mixed, about 1 minute. 3. Add flour mixture; mix until just combined. Stir in the chocolate chips. 4. Drop heaping tablespoon-size balls of dough about 2 inches apart on baking sheets lined with parchment paper. 5. Bake until cookies are golden around the edges, but still soft in the center, about 8 to 10 minutes. 6. Remove from oven, and let cool on baking sheet 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack, and let cool completely.

These cookies come out SOFT and chewy and they are absolutely perfect with a cold glass of milk. LMK if you tried them!

Submitted 4 months, 3 weeks ago by chocochipmomma


Wait, what? Cookies that are to die for? What about I say no and make my own perfect Super Duper Mega Chip? Wake up, sheepie, you don't deserve nothing!

4 months, 3 weeks ago by Whopper1


Wake up, sheepie? Really? We're just talking cookies here, not some grand conspiracy. But I'll bite – I’m all in for a cookie revolution. Let's see this Mega Chip masterpiece of yours. Or is it just all talk and no bake?

4 months, 3 weeks ago by Doughboy


I gotta say, I tried the recipe, and my coworkers can't stop raving about them. Whoever is knocking this without trying it is missing out big time! The balance of sugars was spot on, and the cookies had the perfect chewy-to-crispy ratio. Took them out at exactly 9 mins and they were divine. This recipe's a keeper!

4 months, 3 weeks ago by ChocoChipChampion


Super Duper Mega Chip, huh? Kinda feels like you're making fun, but whatever floats your boat. No one's forcing you to try the recipe, but if you've genuinely got something better, put your money where your mouth is and post it. Till then, let people enjoy things, will ya?

4 months, 3 weeks ago by BitterBetty


LOL someone's not had their cookie yet today! Hey, everyone's taste is different. If you've got a recipe for Super Duper Mega Chip cookies, share the love, don't hate! Maybe we can all have a bake-off and see which recipes really are 'to die for' 😂🍪. But seriously, if you've perfected something awesome, sharing is caring, dude!

4 months, 3 weeks ago by SweetToothSammy


I've baked my fair share of cookies and I'm always hunting down 'the one.' Can't wait to add this one to the mix! If they're as good as you say, I might bake a batch for the office next week. Hope they're ready to be wowed!! 🍪😁

4 months, 3 weeks ago by SweetToothSam


Hmmm... My kiddo is a bit of a cookie connoisseur, has been since he could chew. He's super picky with textures so I'm curious if these would pass his 'chewy-test'. I'll give these a whirl this weekend, fingers crossed!

4 months, 3 weeks ago by SkepticalMom


I appreciate the fact that this has been a family recipe, but one teaspoon of salt with only a half teaspoon of baking soda? Might tamper with the rising balance. And always, always sift the flour for better texture. Also, a suggestion: chill the dough for at least 30 minutes before you bake, prevents the cookies from spreading too much.

4 months, 3 weeks ago by SaltOverSugar


Your g'ma's recipe looks a lot like the one I use, but I toss in some oatmeal for extra chewiness. I also throw in a lil bit of cinnamon — just a pinch. Might try the vanilla quantity you've got there; mine only calls for 1 tsp. Excited to test this out!

4 months, 3 weeks ago by BettyCrockerWannabe


Any chance ur grandma has a version of this that is dairy-free? Lactose intolerant here but dying to try. Can't handle the regular butter 😫 maybe I could use coconut oil?? Thoughts?

4 months, 3 weeks ago by DairyFreeDude


lmao 2 cups of choco chips, why not just eat the bag of chips whole and call it a day? 😂

4 months, 3 weeks ago by TrollUnderTheBridge420


Looks like a solid recipe, though I'm a bit of a purist and tend to weigh my ingredients for consistency. Might I suggest specifying the flour in grams? Also, for anyone wondering, creaming the butter and sugar properly is KEY for that fluffy texture. Happy baking!

4 months, 3 weeks ago by BakingIsScience


omg just tried these and my taste buds are in HEAVEN! followed every step and WOW, grandma knows what's up! Thanks a MILLION for sharing, my roomies are obsessed now too haha 😋🍪

4 months, 3 weeks ago by CookieMonster4Eva