Startup just ran out of cash. What now?

Folks, I’m freaking out... Our app for booking pet sitters just ran dry on cash. We've got the users, great reviews, but monetizing's been a nightmare. We cut costs, did some local promos, but nada. I'm out begging for advice here - anyone crawled out of a cash grave before?

Submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by NoSleepTillFunding


Remember, Airbnb sold cereal boxes to survive at one point. Think outside the box. You've made it this far, which is no small feat! Consider alternative revenue like in-app purchases, memberships, or even partnerships. What about adding a community element where users can share pet care tips? Engaged users might boost in-app purchase potential.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by ZeroToHero


Pet sitters, huh. Have y'all thought about merchandise? Like if you've got a loyal fanbase, they might love some branded stuff for their pets. Collars, toys, even T-shirts for the pet parents. Just throwing it out there.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by FurryFriendsForever


Hey, failure's part of the game. You might need to reconsider your business model. Freemium can be tough. Have you thought about tiered pricing? Or perhaps adding more value to your existing services that justifies a charge. Look at success stories for inspiration, and break down what they did right. Plus, talk to your most active users, find out what's missing, and what they need.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by FailFastSucceedFaster


You need to engage in continuous innovation. The Lean Startup methodology is your friend here. Get out of the building and talk to your users. Find out why they aren't converting to paid customers. Then you iterate fast, build a minimum viable product with whatever feature they're willing to pay for, and test that. Keep costs at rock bottom while you figure this out.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by LeanStartupMachine


Pet sitters? Who needs 'em. Just teach your dog to be home alone like a big boy. Problem solved, app unnecessary. snickers

8 months, 2 weeks ago by CashCrashTroll


Oooof, I feel you. First things first, let’s talk monetization. Have you tried contacting vet clinics or pet stores for partnerships? Or what about sponsored content within the app? Sometimes it's about hitting up all the angles till something sticks. Side hustles aren't beneath us, they could keep the lights on!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by HustleHard92


It sounds rough but not the end. Ever consider a pivot? Sometimes the original biz model doesn't cut it and you need fresh insight. Also, it may be time to pitch for another funding round. If you've got users and good reviews, you've got a story that investors might want to hear. Bootstrapping's a tough gig, so weigh your options for external funding too.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by AngelInvestor101


Been there, felt that panic. What's the deal with your monetization strategy though? If users love your service, you gotta find what they're willing to pay for. Extra features? Premium support? Time to get creative and dish something new out.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by BootstrapBill99