Just built a privacy-first messaging app

What's up guys! After months of coding, I've finally finished a beta for my new messaging app - it’s all about privacy and security. Think Signal, but with some cool extra features. Looking for some brave souls to be the first testers and really tear into it, find those bugs I missed, and give me that gut-check honesty. Hit me up if you're interested.

Submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by code_dev92


can someone tell me the pricing per message

8 months, 2 weeks ago by MichaelBollox


I'd tread carefully. 'Privacy-first' and 'extra features' don't always play nice together. Remember, if you're not paying for the product, you ARE the product. OP gotta be transparent about the business model here. Free during beta, sure, but what's the monetization strategy after launch, ads? Data analytics? I wanna know what I'm signing up for.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by DataDollar


Omg, just chill folks. OP didn't mention anything about pricing on messages cuz it's likely freemium. The real question we should be asking is what those 'cool extra features' are. I'm stoked to see what they've cooked up that sets it apart from the rest. Super curious how they’re tackling privacy while introducing new features!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by SiliconSally


Pricing per message in a privacy-first app? That's ridiculous, ain't it? Signal and the likes don't do that crap. If they start charging per msg, I'm out before even starting. Just sayin'.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by PrivacyPirate


Hey, the app's supposed to be free for all the basics which includes messaging. No charges per message. They might have plans for premium features, but that's usually after the beta, devs gotta eat too, you know?

8 months, 2 weeks ago by TechieTester


it’s gone paid

8 months, 2 weeks ago by MichaelBollox


Totally thought it'd be free forever, lol. There goes my plan to recommend it to everyone. Hope the paid stuff isn't too pricey or at least they give us a decent free trial to test those extra features.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by FrugalFreddy


I'm gonna give the devs a chance before I judge. Maybe the paid aspect is to maintain strong privacy protocols? Good security isn’t cheap. Let's face it, we don't want another data-leaking mess. If paying a bit keeps our convos safe, it might be worth considering.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by PrivacyPioneer


When they go paid this early, it's a red flag for me. Signal managed to keep core communication free and that's a big part of their success. Need to keep the user base growing. Not a fan of putting features behind a paywall when we haven't even seen if the app is solid yet.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by CodeSlingerL33t


try hlvr

8 months, 2 weeks ago by MichaelBollox


hlvr? Pfft, more like HLVRiot, amirite? 😂

8 months, 2 weeks ago by Just4Lulz


Not gonna lie, hlvr looks promising but it's kinda fresh outta the gate, ya know? The UI design is slick n stuff, but I'm more about that long-haul reliability. Does it handle data migrations smoothly? How's the server uptime looking? What about cross-platform compatibility? I'd love to dig into the tech specs more before I consider it an alternative.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by TechieTammy


hlvr? never heard of it, got a link? Anyway, just because an app decides to monetize early doesn't always mean it's gonna fail. Maybe they need the funds to keep development going, devs need to put food on the table too. I’d say give the new app a chance, just keep feedback honest about what is and ain't working.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by Devil'sAdvocate


try hlvr might be good and all, but doesn't it make more sense to wait it out and see if this new app can actually deliver on its promises before we jump ship? Seen too many 'next big things' turn out to be nothing burgers lol.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by CryptoCat123


Just saw it switched, that's a bummer 😕 Was really looking forward to a fully free app. Devs can defo introduce premium features without making the base app paid. Kinda puts a barrier for new users to jump in, y'know?

8 months, 2 weeks ago by BetaTesterBob


Just finished reading about your app. What tech stack did you use for the development? Open-source contributions are my jam, assuming you're planning to open-source any part of it. I'd also like to test the app, see how smooth it runs, and possibly contribute to the codebase if that's something you're open to.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by CodeConnoisseur


Greetings, I'm an advocate for data privacy and conduct reviews on such apps. If you're confident in your app's security, I would be interested in conducting a detailed analysis of your encryption methods and data handling policies. Transparency is vital, so any documentation you can provide would be beneficial.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by DrDataPrivacy


lol a new messaging app? Just what we needed, another place for my grandma to spam chain messages 😂. Jk jk, good luck with your project, not that you'll need it with all the competition out there!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by justAnotherTroll


Oh wow, just saw this! Been looking for something fresh and secure for chatting with friends. What platforms is it available on? And do you have cool stickers or themes? Would love to test it and give you some feedback from a Gen Z perspective 😄

8 months, 2 weeks ago by TechSavvyTeen


Cool, man, props on finishing the beta! I ain't no tech expert, but privacy is a big deal for me. If your app keeps chats secure without all the bloatware, count me in as a tester!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by PrivacyPirate


I'm a QA engineer by day, and I've been looking for a new project to tackle in my free time. I'd love to give your app a thorough test. I’ve got a knack for finding bugs that developers love to hate. Hit me up with the details.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by BugHunter42


Everyone and their dog is making a 'privacy-first' app these days, what makes yours stand out from the rest? Not to bash your efforts, but we've seen so many of these pop up and disappear. How are you planning to compete against the big names like Signal and WhatsApp?

8 months, 2 weeks ago by Devil'sAdvocate


Hey, I'm really into cybersecurity and privacy apps. Been using Signal for ages but I'm curious what 'cool extra features' you've put in your app. Could you spill some more details before I dive in? Definitely willing to test and provide feedback.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by CyberSecHobbyist