Juggling a startup and toddlers - tips?

Hey community! So, I'm working on a line of organic baby foods and I've got two under three running 'round the house. To say time management is a challenge is the understatement of the century. Any parent-entrepreneurs got life hacks or am I destined to run on caffeine and chaos until these tykes head to school? 😂🍼

Submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by mompreneur101


Don't forget to take care of yourself. Mindfulness apps can be a lifesaver for little breaks throughout the day. When we're calm, kids tend to mirror that energy. Also, maybe trade playdates with another parent so you get a few hours and then return the favor.

8 months, 3 weeks ago by MindfulMama


Batch cook & freeze meals, hire a virtual assistant for small tasks if you can, and use a shared calendar for family and work. And remember, sometimes chaos is just part of the startup grind.

8 months, 3 weeks ago by NoSleepTillFunding


Make sure you're staying active too - it's not just for the little ones! Taking short active breaks with them helps burn their energy and keeps you fit. Plus, when you feel better, you work better. Include them in your exercises, like squats with the toddlers as weights!

8 months, 3 weeks ago by FitFounder


Been there! Rotate the toys so they don't get bored. Set a timer for short work sprints and breaks to recharge with the kiddos. And don’t be too hard on yourself!

8 months, 3 weeks ago by ToddlerTamer


I started waking up an hour before the kids. It's tough at first, but it's quiet and you can get so much done. Also, automation is your friend. Automate any business process you can, and outsource if it's in the budget. As for the kiddos, keep a consistent routine for them too. It really helps!

8 months, 3 weeks ago by EarlyBirdEntrepreneur


Just give the kids the phone, lol. Seriously, screen time limits are for parents with free time. Good luck with the chaos, you'll need it! 😂

8 months, 3 weeks ago by CaffeineFiend


Naptime is gold time! When they sleep, it's all hustle. Coffee is a given. Also, keep toys in your home office, so the toddlers can 'work' with you.

8 months, 3 weeks ago by StartUpDad101


I feel ya on the time management struggle! One trick that saved my sanity: time blocking. Set blocks of time for work, play, chores, etc. Even if it doesn't go perfectly, you'll have a structure to help juggle tasks. And for kiddos, sensory bins! Keeps them busy for ages. Last tip: Meal prep on Sundays, trust me it's a game changer.

8 months, 3 weeks ago by OrganicMommaBear