Handmade Jewelry Startup!

Hey all!! So I started making jewelry during quarantine and now I’m trying to turn it into a lil biz. My friends love my designs and I’ve sold some pieces on IG. Thinkin of setting up an Etsy shop too. Any advice for a newbie entrepreneur in this space?

Submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by SideHustleSally


lmao, another quarantine entrepreneur, what's new? 😂 Jewelry biz is tough. Hope you got more than pretty bead strings or else get ready to be another Etsy ghost shop.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by JewelryJester


Hey, fellow jewelry enthusiast here! Think about the types of materials you’re using and educate your customers about them. People love learning the story behind their pieces, especially when it comes to handmade goods. Quality over quantity any day!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by GleamingGemGuru


Not to be a downer, but are you sure you're ready for the leap? Make sure you've got enough stock and that you can handle the logistics of shipping, handling returns, etc. It's a big step from selling to friends and doing this for real.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by SkepticalSteph


Wow, got a startup in the making! 👏 Plan it out - branding, marketing, and most importantly, customer service. You're not just selling jewelry, you're creating an experience. And yeah, social media isn’t just about selling; it’s about storytelling. Show your process, your workspace, make it personal. People love that stuff.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by BizBoostBen


Brace yourself for some tough competition, it's a saturated market out there. Originality is your best bet. Also, don't price yourself too low, value your work mate.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by NoFilterFrank


ooo lovely, handmade jewelry is the best 😍 everyone loves a unique piece! IG is great but Etsy can reach more ppl + it's all about finding your niche, ya know? also don't forget to think about packaging -- presentation is key 🔑!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by creativeSoul90


Hey! Sounds like you've got a cool thing going on with your jewelry! Setting up an Etsy shop is def a good move. Make sure you got great photos - they can really make or break a sale. You'll wanna use natural light and maybe a plain background that makes your jewelry pop. Also, SEO is super important there. Do some research on keywords related to your jewelry and include them in your titles and descriptions. Helps a ton with getting found in search.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by EtsyExpert