Personalized Snack Boxes Delivered Monthly - Yay or Nay?

Alright, tbh, who here doesn't love a good snack? But grocery shopping is a pain! Here's where SnackRack enters. Imagine the Spotify for snacks! Tell us what you like, what you don't, and get a box tailored to your taste buds each month. Vegan? Keto? Mad about chocolate? We've got you!

Onboarding local producers to diversify options as I type. Can't wait to see where this goes; your snack cravings are waiting to be solved!

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by the_foodie_founder


LOL Spotify for snacks, what's next? Netflix for napkins? Good luck with ur little project, hope the snacks are better than the stale jokes I expect my buddies would get from it 😂

1 year, 1 month ago by TrollinStone69


Honestly just tired of my regular snack rotation. As long as the snacks are fresh and you're mixing it up each month, I'm game to try it. Hope you've got a good selection process so it doesn't get boring.

1 year, 1 month ago by SerialSnacker


If you're mad about chocolate, count me in. But remember, people can be really picky about their sweets, so don't skimp on the quality. And try to throw in some exotic and unique chocolate flavors. That'd spice up the monthly unboxing!

1 year, 1 month ago by ChucklingChocolate


So, what's stopping this from going the route of every other subscription box? Starts as a good deal and then slowly just becomes a way to offload unsellable stock. What guarantee do we have that we're actually getting a curated experience worth the cash?

1 year, 1 month ago by CynicalSid


got a question about the packaging, is it eco-friendly? tnx

1 year, 1 month ago by Eco_Warrior92


Love the idea of supporting local producers! There's so much untapped potential in local snacks that never see the light of convenience store shelves. Keep us posted on how this develops. Rooting for ya!

1 year, 1 month ago by LocalvoreLarry


As someone on a strict keto diet, finding snacks can be a chore. I'm super interested in how you'd cater to dietary restrictions. What kind of variety can we expect in a keto box? Need to make sure it's not just pork rinds and cheese sticks over and over again. Quality and creativity will be key for this to work.

1 year, 1 month ago by KetoKaren


Oh man, SnackRack sounds like a dream come true! A personalized snack box?? Take my money already! If you partner up with some obscure indie snack brands, I am ALL IN. Some of us live for that stuff no one's ever heard of lol.

1 year, 1 month ago by munchie_enthusiast