Alright, tbh, who here doesn't love a good snack? But grocery shopping is a pain! Here's where SnackRack enters. Imagine the Spotify for snacks! Tell us what you like, what you don't, and get a box tailored to your taste buds each month. Vegan? Keto? Mad about chocolate? We've got you!
Onboarding local producers to diversify options as I type. Can't wait to see where this goes; your snack cravings are waiting to be solved!
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by the_foodie_founder
So, what's stopping this from going the route of every other subscription box? Starts as a good deal and then slowly just becomes a way to offload unsellable stock. What guarantee do we have that we're actually getting a curated experience worth the cash?
As someone on a strict keto diet, finding snacks can be a chore. I'm super interested in how you'd cater to dietary restrictions. What kind of variety can we expect in a keto box? Need to make sure it's not just pork rinds and cheese sticks over and over again. Quality and creativity will be key for this to work.