

Profitable from Day 1? Here's my story.

So, everyone always talks about long burn rates and runway ext, but I went a different route. Started with an online boutique. No funding rounds, just pure hustle and Insta DMs. Turned a profit in the FIRST month. It's all about that niche market, babes. Fashion for petite-plus sizes — …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by sassystartupgal


Just built a privacy-first messaging app

What's up guys! After months of coding, I've finally finished a beta for my new messaging app - it’s all about privacy and security. Think Signal, but with some cool extra features. Looking for some brave souls to be the first testers and really tear into it, find those bugs …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by code_dev92


Launching a new eco-friendly water bottle startup!

Hey y'all, so I'm in the process of launching this startup that's all about eco-friendly water bottles. We’re talkin' bottles that keep your drinks cold for 48hrs+ and, get this, every sale we plant a tree. 🌲 Been grinding out the marketing strategy, networking like crazy, and I'm inching towards …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by hustlegrind24


Turning my baking hobby into a business. Tips?

Yo everyone, during the lockdown I got pretty good at baking sourdough. Friends and fam can't get enough of it. Thinking of flipping this into a little side business. Homemade bread delivered to your door sort of deal. Just bought a domain and not sure where to go from here. …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by SideHustle123


Critique my Health Tech startup pitch!

Fit fam, here’s the deal - I've created a wearable that tracks not just your heart rate and steps, but also your recovery, stress levels, and even hydration. The real kicker is the AI coach that adapts to your data and gives personalized workout and nutrition advice. My pitch deck …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by FitTechGuy


VR Gaming Studio set for Alpha Testing

Hey future players! Me and my team have been workin' on a VR game that’s gonna blow your socks off. It's sword fighting meets puzzles in a fantasy world. We developed our own motion capture to keep things as real as it gets. Alpha testing starts next week and we …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by VRvisionary


Inventing the Next FB, just better ;) #Joke

Yooo, I'ma drop the next big social platform, gonna call it FaceBroke. Check it, it pays YOU when your data is sold LOL. Still lookin' for a coder who can work for exposure n' dreams. Slide into my DMs if you wanna join the hustle to nowhere! Jk... or am …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Trollin4Laughs


Mobile app for personalized workouts just hit 500 DLs in the first week!

Hey, fitness pals and tech heads! After a year of coding, designing, and user testing, my app 'FitMe' just hit 500 downloads within its launching week, and I’m pumped! It’s an AI-powered app that crafts personalized workout plans based on user goals and history. Think Peloton meets personal trainer, but …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by FitnessFanatic


Organic pet food startup - thoughts?

Guys, I've got this idea. Organic pet food that's healthy and environmentally conscious. No weird filler, just real ingredients. Starting local, thinking farmer's markets and then scale up. Is the organic angle already played out, or is there still room to shake things up? Would love to get your hot …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by organicjoe1985


Startup just ran out of cash. What now?

Folks, I’m freaking out... Our app for booking pet sitters just ran dry on cash. We've got the users, great reviews, but monetizing's been a nightmare. We cut costs, did some local promos, but nada. I'm out begging for advice here - anyone crawled out of a cash grave before?
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by NoSleepTillFunding


Launching my eco-friendly apparel brand!

Hey folks! I'm super excited to share that I've officially launched my eco-friendly clothing line. It's all about bamboo fabric and organic cotton, even the packaging is biodegradable! 😄 Really trying to make a positive impact on the planet. Any tips for growing a brand like this would be amazing!
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by DreamBig_SkyHi


Sustainable Utensils Startup Needs Your Feedback!

Hey eco-friendly tribe! We just launched a Kickstarter for our bamboo utensil sets, designed to be stylish and sustainable. We're a small team with a BIG vision to reduce single-use plastic. Not sure how to stand out in a crowded market. Would love your thoughts and tips on crowdfunding and …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by EcoWareEnthusiast


Cooking up an app for recipe sharing

Yo, what's good everyone? I've been working on this app where people can share their own recipes and create weekly meal plans. It's like social media for foodies. Still in alpha but it's going to be awesome. I've done all the coding myself and learning as I go. Anyone out …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by justadude_who_cooks


Tips for Driving Startup Growth with Zero Budget

Hi entrepreneurs, I've seen too many of you struggling with getting the word out. Here's a quick rundown: Leverage social media like it's your best friend, create killer content, engage with your audience (no, not just memes), and network, network, network! No cash? No problem. Slap some elbow grease into …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by MarketMaven


Why all your startups are doomed to fail

Alright folks, sit down and listen. I’ve seen hundreds of these 'innovative' startups pop up and guess what, they all sink faster than a rock in water. You think you’ve got the next Facebook or Google? Think again, mate. But hey, prove me wrong, if you can... 🙄
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by BitterStartupJoe


Solo-Developed Game Now on Steam!

Three years of development, countless sleepless nights, and probably too much coffee but I finally did it. My indie game, 'Astral Frontier', is live on Steam. It blends open-world exploration with base-building and has a unique art style drawn by yours truly. If you're into indie games or know peeps …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by SolopreneurSam


My side project turned full-time gig!

OMG, guys! I can't believe it's happening. I started making handmade soaps as a side hustle, and now I'm going FULL TIME. These aren't your average soaps—think quirky shapes, unexpected scents, and lots of glitters. Been grindin' at local fairs, and my Etsy blew up! Any advices on scaling and …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by sidehustlequeen


New SaaS Platform to Revolutionize Your Workflow

Just pushed the latest commit to our beta-tested, workflow optimization platform. It uses AI to automate mundane tasks, boosting productivity by at least 30%; we’ve got the data to prove it. Built with a React frontend and Python Django backend, fully scalable with Docker. Reach out if you wanna know …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by CodeCruncher87


Why so many subscription services? Are they sustainable?

Just a thought, why’s every startup I see pushing a subscription model? Yeah, recurring revenue is great, but c'mon, how many subs can people juggle? I feel like this gold rush is gonna crash when everyone's subscription fatigue sets in. Got a counterpoint or am I just being a downer …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by skeptical_investor


Need advice: Building a social app for bird lovers

Hello fellow start-uppers! I've got this idea for an app where bird enthusiasts like me can share sightings, tips, and even organize local meetups. Still figuring out the tech side of things (learning to code atm 🐦💻), so if anyone has advice or knows a thing or two about creating …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by chirpy_techie


Working on a game-changing AR app!

You guys *have* to hear about my AR app concept. Imagine Pokémon GO but educational... think walking through the city and your phone pops up historical facts and figures about landmarks. Trying to gamify education. Work in progress but I'm buzzing about the possibilities. If anyone has experience with AR …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by serial_creator


Launching a line of keto-friendly energy bars!

So... I've finally done it. Created a whole line of keto energy bars that don't taste like cardboard. I'm talking chocolate brownie, peanut butter, and even a lemon cheesecake flavor! They're all-natural, low in net carbs, and packed with clean protein. Any advice on getting into health food stores or …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by fitfoodie


Here's why your startup timeline is probably unrealistic

Listen. I've seen brilliant folks come and go. They set insane deadlines for product launches and funding rounds that are just way off. Let me tell you, everything takes longer than you think. Especially if you're dealing with manufacturing or app development. Build buffer time into your roadmap. Save yourselves …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by been_there_done_that


Side project turned startup: CodeSnip!

What's up r/ShareYourStartups! I wanna share a project I've been working on, called CodeSnip. It's a code snippet manager for devs who're tired of searching through old projects or StackOverflow for that perfect piece of code they wrote ages ago. Super simple UI, tagging system, and cloud sync. Any feedback …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by codecrunchr


Just launched my eco-friendly toothbrush company!

Hey peeps! So after a year of grinding, ElementBrush is finally a thing! We make toothbrushes out of bamboo and other sustainable materials. No plastics! I'm like super excited but also kinda freaking out. Anyone got tips on grassroots marketing? Gotta get the word out without breaking the bank. 🌱🪥
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by hustlemania22


Feel Good Fitness - a startup integrating wellness and workouts

Hey, beautiful souls! 🌞 Just wanted to spread some positive vibes and talk about my startup, Feel Good Fitness. It's all about integrating the mind, body, and spirit into a workout experience. Imagine yoga, meditation, and a touch of life coaching rolled into one class. And get this, it's not …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by MindfulMaven


My startup idea: Air for Sale

Gotcha! Who needs another 'disruptive' app when you can sell plain old air? I'm packing the freshest, organic, 100% chemical-free air from the mountains into stylish cans you can huff whenever city life gets to you. Looking for investors who wanna breathe easy profits 😉. It's gonna be YUGE!
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Anonymous


Quick question about server costs!

guys, anyone know about keeping server costs down? my chat app's blowing up (yay!!) but the AWS bill's killing me. any cheaper alternatives or tips on optimization? thx!
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by NextgenCoder


Pet lovers! Meet the prototype of CuddleCompanion 🐾

Hi peeps! So thrilled to share what I've been up to! 🤗 I've been working on this little gadget, CuddleCompanion. The idea is to give pet owners a break while keeping pets happy. This circular device mimics human petting with a soft robotic arm, equipped with pet-safe materials and sensors …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by QuirkInnovations


Building a VR game! What do u guys think??

been coding nonstop for months on this VR game i have in mind - think sword art online meets skyrim. not sure if it's too ambitious... but i'm going for it! currently in the alpha testing and it's pretty buggy, but hey gotta start somewhere right?
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by TechieTrevor


Deep Dive: Monetization Strategies for Mobile Apps

Alright, let's get down to brass tacks on monetization for mobile apps - which I know is a pain point for many of you hustlers out there. **Freemium Models:** Give your users a taste, then upsell premium features. You gotta nail the balance; too little for free and your downloads …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by AppNinjaX


Startups are easy, just copy something and add 'for X'

Lol, wanna make a startup? Just take an existing idea and give it a twist. Like 'Uber, but for dogs' or 'Tinder, but for farmers.' Who even needs originality anymore?! Seriously though, has this ever worked for anyone, or is it just the tech bros' get-rich-quick scheme?
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by the_unusual_suspect


Juggling a startup and toddlers - tips?

Hey community! So, I'm working on a line of organic baby foods and I've got two under three running 'round the house. To say time management is a challenge is the understatement of the century. Any parent-entrepreneurs got life hacks or am I destined to run on caffeine and chaos …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by mompreneur101


StartUp Idea: GreenThreads - Eco-Conscious Clothing Subscription

Hey fellow startup enthusiasts, I'm here to share an idea I'm super passionate about: **GreenThreads**. **Our Mission:** * Promote sustainable fashion. * Reduce textile waste. * Minimal environmental impact. **How it Works:** * Sign up for a monthly sub. * Receive a selection of eco-friendly clothing. * Return what you …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by EcoFriendlyDude


Just launched my fitness app, FitBuddy! 🏋️‍♂️

hey everyone! just wanna drop in and say I launched FitBuddy it's a fitness tracker that suggests workouts n keeps you motivated with challenges n stuff. would love feedback if anyone's got some time to spare.
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by HustleEnergy


Launching a meditation app with a twist

Folks, hear me out. I've been deep in the meditation space for a decade. My app 'MeditateMe' takes personalization to new heights by adapting sessions based on biofeedback. Heart rate, body temp, even seating posture - it's all used to tailor the experience. I've poured everything into this, so would …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by MindfulMogul


Launching an AI-driven marketing tool

Hey guys, after 2 years in development, my team and I are excited to introduce 'AdGenius.ai', a cutting-edge tool that uses AI to revolutionize how you run ad campaigns. The platform analyzes trends, optimizes bids in real-time, and even writes some pretty convincing ad copy. Would love feedback from fellow …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by TechBroCode


Bringing back the 80s with a new game!

Hey!! So, I'm working on this game, right? Got that classic arcade feel with a modern twist. Think Space Invaders meets pixel art on steroids. Got the prototype going, but I'm lookin' for some retro gaming fans to beta test and hit me with those brutally honest opinions. Whaddya say?
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by RetroGamerGo


Eco Toy Subscription Service

Hey, fabulous parents of /r/ShareYourStartups! So... I'm on the edge of launching *EcoPlayBox*. It's a subscription service with eco-friendly, educational toys for kids. Swap them out as your kiddo grows! Less clutter, less waste, more fun & learning. What do you think? Is this something you and your little ones …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by minimalist_momma


Virtual Reality Home Workouts - the future or a fad?

Imagine a world where you get off work, slap on a VR headset, and bam - you're in a fitness class on a beach in Bali... well, say hi to *VirtualSweat*!! Our startup's bringin' this to life. Real trainers, unreal locations. It's still rough around the edges but got a …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by VRdreamer


AI-driven Learning Paths for Kids - Introducing Kidmindz

Here's the tea: Kidmindz, an educational platform tailored to how kids learn. Using AI, it adapts to your child's learning style and pace. Parents, you can track progress and get involved too! We just went live with our beta. Tons of subjects, with more to come as we grow. Anyone …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by TheEdTechGuy


Personalized Snack Boxes Delivered Monthly - Yay or Nay?

Alright, tbh, who here doesn't love a good snack? But grocery shopping is a pain! Here's where *SnackRack* enters. Imagine the Spotify for snacks! Tell us what you like, what you don't, and get a box tailored to your taste buds each month. Vegan? Keto? Mad about chocolate? We've got …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by the_foodie_founder


Eco-Friendly Battery Swaps, The Next Big Thing!

Got a sec? Listen to this: *ChargeUp* - our startup is tackling the biggest challenge for EVs! Long charging times are a bummer, right? We're creating a network of battery swap stations. You roll in, swap your low charge battery for a full one and zoom out in minutes. Think …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by energy_enthusiast


Launching an app to connect freelancers with gig economy!

Hey guys! After months of grinding, I'm stoked to reveal our latest project - **Flexlance**! We've created an app that's all about bridging the gap between freelancers and businesses. You get real-time notifications on gigs that match your skills, direct message features, and a built-in portfolio to showcase your work. …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by coderpreneur


5 Key Metrics Every SAAS Startup Should Track

Track these or you might as well be driving blind: 1. **Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)** - This is your lifeblood, folks. Predictable revenue can make or break you. 2. **Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)** - Know how much an average customer is worth to maximize profit and plan for long-term strategies. …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by serial_entrepreneur


My journey starting a farm-to-table restaurant chain

Restaurant surival rates? Scary stuff. But here's how I'm making it work: - **Local first**: Started very local. Connected with local farmers for ingredients. Keeps things fresh and community-focused. - **Menu that changes**: Our menu isn't fixed, depends on the season and what’s available. Customers love the variety and the …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by organicOrigins


Smart Budgeting Tool for Tech Enthusiasts

What's up, guys? Check this: *GizmoSave*. A budgeting tool that learns from your spending habits to spot where you can cut back or splurge for that new gadget you've been eyeing. It's for those of us who love tech but don't wanna break the bank. Any feedback or ideas for …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by ThriftyGadgeteer


Saying No to Business Cards with CardNix

Business cards are so 1999, right? We're bootstrapping *CardNix* - a digital business card solution. Create and exchange contact info with a simple tap or a scan; all stored on your phone. No more piles of cards gathering dust. Launched our MVP last week, and we're hungry for feedback. Hit …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by paperless_dude


Just launched my eco-friendly clothing line 🌍

Hey everyone! I’ve been working on this for months now, and I've finally launched my own brand focused on sustainable fashion. We use organic materials and eco-friendly dyes. It's been a crazy ride figuring out suppliers who align with my values, but we did it! Let me know what you …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by hustlemania22


Looking for partners to join my app venture – Social platform for pet lovers

I’ve been working on an app that’s basically a social network for pet lovers. Share pics of your pets, connect with other pet owners, arrange playdates, discuss vets, you name it. I'm a dev so I've got the technical side covered, but need peeps that are good with marketing, biz …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by appwhiz91


I turned my homebrewing hobby into a biz!

Alright, here's how I did it for those curious: - Spent years refining my recipes (yes years, this step is key 🔑) - Entered local beer fests, got some attention and won a few awards 🏆 - Local buzz gave me the confidence to go bigger, so started looking for …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by CraftyBrewer


Everyone's startup is doomed lol

so like everyone thinks they've got the next Google or whatever but statistics say you're all gonna fail. just saying. wouldn't it be easier to just get a regular job and chill than stressing over this stuff? #realitycheck
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by dealmaster00


Need feedback on my productivity app

yo! created a productivity app that's supposed to help manage your tasks with an AI that learns your habits and optimizes your schedule. feels like there's a million of these out there already lol. still hoping mine stands out cause of the AI part. anyone wanna beta test? would kill …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by codeNcoffee


First time sharing my startup journey

Hey everyone, just stumbled upon this gem of a subreddit and it’s pretty cool to see all the startup energy here. I’m working on a mobile app that helps people find local farmers' markets and fresh produce based on their location. It’s been tough, learning app development on the go …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by tech_hustler


Upcyclin' fashion startup adventure!

Finally took the leap to start my own upcycling fashion brand, y'all. I’m talkin’ vintage clothes gettin' a new lease on life with some sick custom graphics and embroideries. Was scared at first, but I sold out on my first pop-up event!!! Just wanted to share the good vibes and …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by thrift_thriving


Eco-friendly cleaning products startup

Okay, picture this: a full line of cleaning products, but they're all eco-friendly, and they actually *work.* That's my dream, and I'm making it happen. I've been researching non-toxic ingredients and working with local suppliers to create products that are both sustainable and effective. I’m talking scrubs, sprays, wipes, everything. …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by dean_of_clean


Leveraging AI for market analysis

Market analysis can be a drag, but it’s crucial for all startups. I've been developing a new AI tool that scrapes and analyzes market data to provide real-time insights, with a focus on spotting emerging industry trends. Planning to roll it out as a subscription service for other startups. Does …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by bizanalyticsguru


Sustainable packaging startup - looking for contacts

Hey warriors of the planet! I'm in the process of starting up a company that provides biodegradable packaging made from mushroom fibers. Still in early stages, but the prototypes are looking promising. Could use some networking help - anyone got contacts in the e-commerce or logistics world focused on sustainability? …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by EcoWarriorStartUp


Venture capital isn't the only way ppl

I get that VC money is all the rage, but bootstrapping is where it’s at. You keep control, learn to be lean, and when you do make it big, you don't have a board breathing down your neck. I've built two profitable businesses without a dime from VCs and couldn't …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by theantiVC


Side project turned startup?! 😮

omg, so I started this lil project just for fun, right? It’s an online tool where small businesses can manage their social media all in one place without breaking the bank. But now it’s picking up and I’ve got 100 active users already. Hadn’t thought about it, but someone suggested …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Just_Startin_123


Minimalist Wallet Startup - Second Prototype!

Hey all, been working on this minimalist wallet concept for a few months. Just got my second prototype from the manufacturer and it feels unreal to hold a product I designed. It's aluminum, RFID-blocking, and has this cool sliding mechanism for cards. Next step is a Kickstarter campaign. Nervous but …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by quiet_innovator


Maximizing Your SaaS Retention Rates

Retention is key in any SaaS business. I’ve run a few successful SaaS companies, and I can tell you, the magic is in the metrics. You gotta track user engagement, net promoter score, and customer satisfaction like a hawk. Then, slice and dice the data to see where you're losing …
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by SerialEntreprenoor


First Ever Dog Talking App - "TalkToYourDogz"

I made this app while working with my friends. Called TalkToYourDogz, this app lets you scan an image of a dog, and finally, lets you talk to it. Powered by AI technology, it lets users recognize the name of the dogs, when they were born, and when they died. I …
submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by Whopper1


Immersive VR Experience Sharing Platform - Beta Testers Wanted!

Alright VR junkies, my team's been coding night and day and we're finally ready for some real-world testing. 'WorldShare’ wants to be your go-to for sharing immersive VR experiences. Think YouTube meets VR, with a social twist. We’re talking walks through the Amazon, climbing Everest, deep-sea explorations—all user-generated. If you're …
submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by VirtualRealityVince


Tailored Networking Apps for Freelancers

Freelancers here? I’m few months deep developing a networking app – ‘GigMeet’. It focuses on local connections and face-to-face meet-ups for freelancers. Wanna create community vibe, not just another LinkedIn clone. Early days, but the prototype’s looking good and testing's positive. Love feedback if any of y'all are freelancers hungry …
submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by FreelanceFiona


Cryptocurrency Startups – Sustainable or a Bubble?

Seeing too many startups banking on crypto. Sure, it's all 'innovative' and 'blockchain this or that', but where's the real value?? Feels like every pitch now is just buzzwords to get VC attention. I dunno... feels like a bubble that's gonna pop harder than the dot-com bust. What do you …
submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by cryptoBoomer


Eco-Friendly Packaging - Our Startup's Journey

Hey, peeps, we're a year into our eco-friendly packaging startup, ReLeaf, and wanted to share the challenges and wins. Finding suppliers for sustainable materials that don't cost a fortune was a trip. But we stuck to our values, did a TON of networking, and finally partnered up with local producers …
submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by GreenTechie101


Social networks are all the same

another day, another 'revolutionary' social network startup trying to be the 'next big thing' 🙄. Spoiler: It's just copycat features & a slightly altered UI. Guess what, they'll tank in a year tops. LOL
submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by TheSiliconTroll


My Etsy experience as a startup

Launching my jewelry brand on Etsy felt like a make-or-break move. I was really anxious about everything—from setting the right price to nailing the SEO so people could actually find my stuff. A month in and I'm getting a few sales and a lot of positive feedback. My tip for …
submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by SideHustleQueen


Maximizing User Engagement with Minimal Design

Listen up, y'all. User interface is *everything* these days. Just finished a major overhaul for my productivity app, ZenTask. Stripped it down to bare essentials and what can I say, our engagement stats are through the roof! Keep it simple, keep it snappy. Users don't need distractions, they need tools. …
submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by codeguru


Bootstrapped my dev tool to 100 users!

Feelin' kind of proud y'all, just hit a 100-user milestone with the dev tool I’ve built. It’s a plugin for VS code, makes refactoring a breeze. Still lots to do but... it's a start, eh?
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by DevDabble


Handmade Jewelry Startup!

Hey all!! So I started making jewelry during quarantine and now I’m trying to turn it into a lil biz. My friends love my designs and I’ve sold some pieces on IG. Thinkin of setting up an Etsy shop too. Any advice for a newbie entrepreneur in this space?
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by SideHustleSally


Why your startup is likely to fail

I’m just gonna say it. 90% of your startups will crash and burn. Why? No one needs another app to track water intake or yet another 'Uber for X'. Get real jobs, people! Just kidding... OR AM I? 😉
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by FuriousFounder


Eco-friendly packaging struggles

y'all, creating a sustainable startup is tough when it comes to packaging. Customers want it green but that's $$$. Anyone found a cost-effective supplier for biodegradable containers that's not gonna break my wallet in half??? pls help
submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by OrganicFactsCEO


Just launched a pet-sitting app!

hey everyone, just wanted to share that I launched my first app, PawsPlace! It's for pet-sitting, think like Uber but for watching pets lol. Anyone here into that? Would love some feedback or if you got tips for reaching pet owners, hit me up!
submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by startuplover99


WWDC show

Meet Max and Diana, 2 WWDC attendees talking about how they got there 00:00 no intro today 00:04 Max: how i got there 02:12: Diana: How I got there 04:35 how to get in touch?
submitted 8 months, 3 weeks ago by Alex