Mnogi su skeptični, ali 5G tehnologija stiže i u Srbiju. Šta to znači za nas? Pre svega, brži prenos podataka i bolja konekcija. Potencijal za IoT se drastično povećava, a samim tim i napredovanje pametnih gradova. Prednost u poslovanju i tehnološkom razvoju će biti ogromna. Međutim, postoje i skepticizmi oko bezbednosti i zdravlja, iako nema konkretnih naučnih dokaza o štetnosti. "Early adopters" će imati prednost, ali da li smo infrastrukturno spremni za ovaj skok?
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by serbtechwiz
You all are missing the big picture! 5G is going to revolutionize smart cities and the way we interact with our environment. Traffic management, smart homes, industrial automation... you name it. The latency improvements alone will be worth the upgrade. As for being ready? It'll come in phases, and we'll adapt like we always do.
Honestly, our biggest hurdle is the physical infrastructure. It's not just throwing up a few 5G towers; we need to upgrade backhaul networks, ensure fiber optic connections and hit up serious investment. I heard from a buddy in the telco industry that this is in the works, but it's gonna take time and money, lots of it.
Guys, there's a TON of misinformation out there about 5G and health risks. Check the WHO and other credible sources before spreading fear. It operates well within international safety guidelines. It's radiation, sure, but non-ionizing. It doesn't damage DNA like ionizing radiation does.