Wanted to save some cash so I tried to bleach my hair at home. Followed some 'easy' YouTube tutorial. All I have to say is... DON’T. Long story short, hair is now a mix of orange, brittle, and oh... falling out. Had a meltdown and shaved it all off. Now I’m rockin' hats daily. If anyone asks, I’m just making a style statement. FML.
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by XxHairDyeDisasterxX
This is your moment to experiment with new looks! Have you tried scarves or turbans? They can be super stylish and a nice break from hats. Plus, this is temporary. Take it from someone who botched their hair multiple times, it'll grow back healthier. Sending virtual hugs!
Hey there, hair stylist here! I see it all the time, and honestly, bleach is so unforgiving. The orange tones, they're brassy because the bleach wasn't left on long enough or wasn't strong enough to get through the red/gold pigments. And the brittleness is likely from overlapping applications or not using a bond building product. Shaving was a brave move but might've been the best to start fresh. If you ever consider to go pro or at least consult with one before, feel free to DM for tips! Your hair deserves some TLC.