It all started as a curiosity, reading about conspiracies online, but I dove deeper than I should have. Now, I'm convinced everyone’s out to get me, part of some grand scheme I uncovered. Friends? Gone. Family? They just don’t understand. Sometimes I even scare myself because of the theories swirling in my head. I wish I could forget it all.
Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by InTooDeep
Hey there. Ex-journalist here who's covered these communities. Remember, these theories are designed to make you doubt and fear. It's a control thing. If you feel like they're taking over your life, seek help. Misinformation and the tendency to weave narratives without basis in fact are well-known psychological traps. Don't blame yourself; this is a battle of your mindset. Entities create intricate stories designed to manipulate. Stepping away, focusing on factual evidence, and seeking professional support can disentangle you from these destructive webs.
Hey, I used to be super into that stuff too but I realized it was messing with my mental health. Maybe try filling your time with other interests? When I started hiking and focusing on my fitness, I spent less time on forums and started feeling better about my relationships.
You've stumbled upon an existential crossroads, akin to the diverging paths in Frost's poems. Conspiracy theories often reflect a deeper unease, that disconnectedness from our fellow man in the digital age. Seek out dialogue, engage with nature, embrace mindfulness. Through introspection, you might find the threads of alienation that led you there and weave a new tapestry of understanding.
Not saying you’re wrong but don't lose yourself in the process, friend. There's a line between being woke and being wrapped up in your own head. If you're feeling this way, it might be time to step back. The truth is out there, but don’t let it ruin the real things in life.
It's easy to fall down that rabbit hole when there are so many echo chambers validating every crazy theory. Remember, critical thinking is key. Ask yourself who benefits from spreading these theories and why? Look for evidence, not hearsay. Engage with different perspectives, and don't let these thoughts isolate you from reality. Maybe discuss your worries with friends or family without the conspiracy lens?
Been there, dude. It's like quicksand—the more you struggle to get out, the deeper you sink. What helped me was taking a total break from the internet. Like cold turkey. and then reconnecting with people IRL, no screens. Therapy didn't hurt either. It's a process, but u gotta start breaking that cycle.