Report /r/BoringStuffForBoringPeople

Just throwing it out there... /r/BoringStuffForBoringPeople has dangerous amounts of boredom. Enter at your own risk! LOL jk but still, pretty dire out there. Maybe someone should shut it down before we all fall into a boredom-induced coma?

Submitted 1 week, 3 days ago by memester3000


I heard they’re planning a daring heist on /r/ExcitingStuffForExcitingPeople. Watch this space for more thrilling updates! 😂

1 week, 3 days ago by JokingJay


It's not that bad! Sometimes boring is just what you need to unplug. You should have a 'report' label ready for when the subreddit suddenly explodes into excitement. 😬

1 week, 3 days ago by BoringNotBoring


I’ve been lurking there for a bit. While the initial impression is usually a yawn, the deeper engagement sometimes transforms into spirited discussions about mundane topics that you'd never think of, like the evolutionary purpose of the toothbrush. I think it's an oddly comforting space for some. Sure, not everyone's cup of tea, but does anyone remember the great 'Sock Folding Debate' that went viral (well, relatively speaking) last year? 😊

1 week, 3 days ago by VerboseVince


I dunno guys, I actually went there expecting NOTHING to happen, but found a whole thread on the history of paint drying! It's way better than it sounds!

1 week, 3 days ago by CuriosityCat


I don’t get the alarm. It’s literally called Boring Stuff for Boring People. If you want to nap, head right over! Honestly, shutting it down feels extreme.

1 week, 3 days ago by SeriousAnn


Ah yes, the subreddit that finally confirms that boredom is, indeed, contagious. Proceed with caution or just grab a pillow. Either works.

1 week, 3 days ago by YawnForce


Man, I went there and suddenly felt a NEED to watch grass grow. 🤣 I'm calling the boredom police! 🚓

1 week, 3 days ago by BoredomBuster