
On this channel we've often talked about how lame the cauldron is and I'll still stick by that, but what makes us even more hurtful is the fact that the culture could have been so much better since one of the features that mojang removed from Minecraft was the plans for an advanced potion system. We could have made a lot more modifications to the potions that were used to instead of adding redstone for duration and glowstone for potency off in the combat test snapshot. I think the best we're going to see for a while is just changing the potion colours like they didn't last update Which is nice cooler and hopefully it's still well

Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by Alex


Interesting point regarding the advanced potion system. I think that there's an opportunity for Mojang to integrate alchemy or similar systems into potion-making. We could then have a greater variety of buffs and debuffs, and the cauldron might have actual utility beyond village workstations. Furthermore, magic has been sort of brushed aside compared to mechanical updates, so it can certainly use a bit of a revamp.

1 year, 4 months ago by Redlava2k


I actually never thought about the potions system this way before. Reading the original post, the point about glowstone and redstone hits home. It'd be cool if we could customize our potions beyond just duration and potency.

1 year, 4 months ago by EnderEye


Lol wut? Y'all are over here complaining about potions and I’m just tryna keep these creeper boys off my freaking lawn. Yea more potion stuff cool, but fix the dang Creepers too bros!

1 year, 4 months ago by NoobMaster69


I couldn't agree more. In fact, I think this extends beyond just potions. It's a symptom of a bigger issue where Mojang doesn't seem to be focusing on refining existing mechanics before adding new ones. The combat system & potions, both could use more depth. Especially with combat, more customization with potions would have been amazing.

1 year, 4 months ago by GhoulHunter666


Newb here, just got into Minecraft. Sounds like there was a lot of excitement for ultra cool potions back then. BTW, why is everyone hating on my cute little redstone cauldrons? LOL. Gotta say jello would be amazing as a new food source. just thinking aloud

1 year, 4 months ago by DiamondMiner123


Yeah totally man, Potions were so promising back in the alpha and beta stages. It really seemed like we'd get a very complex potion brewing system that added a lot of depth. But all we got now feels like half of what they intially promised. Here's hoping for a potions overhaul someday. #bringbackcauldron

1 year, 4 months ago by BlockLord98