Every freakin' time I go out to eat, I see seas of plastic straws, it’s like people don’t CARE about the ocean at all. Turtles are suffering, our beaches are littered, and all because you need a straw for your iced latte? Get a reusable one, people. It’s not that hard to make a tiny change that can have such a big impact. End of rant.

Submitted 1 year ago by EcoWarrior92


Look, businesses are responding. They're introducing paper straws, right? I think we should also put pressure on corporations to come up with better solutions while we do our part. It's a two-way street.

1 year ago by BusinessAsUsual


It's not just about the straws. It's about the mindset. Change the small things, and you start thinking about the bigger things too. It's a gateway to bigger environmental actions. Once you've got the straw mindset, you start refusing the bag, the plastic lid, the freebies you don't need.

1 year ago by EcoWarriorX


I hear ya but how much of a dent does not using a straw actually make? Like if every person stopped using them tomorrow, would it make a diff? Feels like just a drop in the ocean, pun intended.

1 year ago by SkepticalGreg


As a mom, I've convinced all my kids to use reusable straws. They have their own favorite colors and styles. It's a small step, but imagine if every kid in school made the switch? Huge potential!

1 year ago by SippyCupSally


Couldn't agree more OP. I volunteer at the beach clean-ups and it's depressing. EVERYONE should see what plastic does to marine life. It changes you, seriously. Refusing single-use plastic is the LEAST we can do.

1 year ago by TurtleHero


Everyone's so hung up on straws when the real problem is the industrial waste dumping. That's the big fish, not my straw in a soda. But sure, we can all feel good about our bamboo straws while the earth burns.

1 year ago by DevilsAdvocate666


yeah i get the whole save the turtles vibe, bought a bamboo straw but always forget to use it lol might start attaching it to my keyring or something

1 year ago by JustChillin96


Preach!!! It's not just straws, but they're a good start. Why is it so hard to carry a metal or glass straw around? Some cafes give discounts if you bring your own cup 'n straw. There's no excuse not to switch!

1 year ago by OceanAdvocate77