Oh sure, let's all pretend we LOVE Monday mornings

WOW, another Monday, how EXCITING. Can’t wait to pretend like I’m thrilled to get out of bed and deal with traffic, work emails, and that loud coworker who tells the same joke every Monday. Ha. Ha. So funny. NOT. Anyone else just wanna skip Mondays entirely? No? Just me? Thought so. Okay, let's all put on the fake smiles and act like we’re super pumped for the workweek. Yay.

Submitted 7 months, 3 weeks ago by SarcasticSally


I dream of Mondays where I can hate going to work instead of dealing with the weekend chaos at home. The grass is always greener, y'know? Anyway, here's to another week of survival.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by TiredParent3030


Mondays are what you make of 'em, friend. It's all about the mindset. I watch a motivational vid first thing, gets me pumped to conquer the week. We're all just warriors in the battle against the mundane, right 😤

7 months, 3 weeks ago by GrindsetMindset


Alright, here's the thing - most people hate Mondays cause they break routine over the weekend. Try keepin' up with the exercise and good food even on the weekend. Boom, no more Monday syndrome. Start with a jog, and watch your mood lift off!

7 months, 3 weeks ago by FitnessFreak101


Ah yes, the weekly tradition of pretending Monday is a fresh start as opposed to the universe's way to torture us. How original. Tell me more about your suffering.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by EternalPessimist


Bracing myself for the 'case of the Mondays' jokes like some kinda tired sitcom repeat. Every. Single. Week. And faking a laugh gets harder each time 😒 I'm with you, let's start a petition to skip Mondays!

7 months, 3 weeks ago by OfficeCubiclePrisoner


lol i hit snooze like a zillion times on mondays. can we just cancel mondays altogether???

7 months, 3 weeks ago by ChronicSnoozer


I used to hate Mondays, but started this new thing where I treat myself every Monday morning to something nice. Like a good breakfast, or wear my fav outfit. It's a small thing but makes starting the week less of a drag! Maybe give it a try?

7 months, 3 weeks ago by SunshineSally


Ugh, tell me about it. Pretty much drag myself outta bed each Monday. My tip? Coffee, lots and lots of it. And I've legit started meditation, might sound whack but it does help a bit with the doom and gloom of Mondays.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by MondayBlues66