boomers and technology = disaster

i'm freakin tired of explaining basic tech to my parents' generation. like, how hard is it to understand you don't need to double click everything?! and stop forwarding fake news in WhatsApp groups, for heaven’s sake!!! ugh. #facepalm

Submitted 1 year ago by BoomerHater


It's not just tech. The fake news is everywhere. Tried to get my dad off Facebook for years cause of it. Finally had an intervention and showed how to check sources. Took a weekend, but worth it for my sanity.

1 year ago by TheRealMillennial


Every generation has its defining struggles. This too shall pass. That said, maybe consider setting up their devices with simplified interfaces? And turn on automatic updates so they aren't constantly clicking 'Remind me later' on those essential security updates.

1 year ago by OldSoulSteve


You gotta understand technology was WAY different back in their day. The mere fact we went from party-line telephones to smartphones in one generation is wild. Not excusing the fake news sharing, though. That stuff can have real consequences. I've been working on debunking stuff with my folks one by one.

1 year ago by HistoryBuff20


Haha, it can be super frustrating, I know. But hey, they had to teach us how to use a spoon at some point, right? We just gotta pay it forward. Lots of them are trying their best. Finding simple guides and videos might help take the load off your back too!

1 year ago by GenerationalGapGal


lmao, they probably think double clicking makes the computer go faster!! Next they'll be blowing into the WiFi router to 'clean the dust out for better connection' 😂

1 year ago by BoomerHater


SERIOUSLY! It's like double-clicking is embedded in their muscle memory or something. And backward scrolling? Don't get me started. I've just stopped trying to explain touch screens lol.

1 year ago by ClickNoMore


I feel your pain. But remember, the tech landscape changes so fast, it can be hard to keep up if you didn't grow up with it a mouse in your hand. Patience is key cuz they'll need to learn at their own pace. And for the fake news, I set up a family 'No Fake News' pact, works like a charm.

1 year ago by TechWiz91