can't stand noisy eaters!!!

okay seriously, why can’t people chew with their mouths closed?? every time i’m at the library trying to study, there’s ALWAYS that one person smacking their gum or chomping on chips like a cow and I’m like trying not to lose my mind over here 😡 just eat QUIETLY FFS!!!

Submitted 7 months, 3 weeks ago by AngryGamerGirl


crunch crunch oh, is this bothering you? crunch sorry, can't hear you over all this crunch DELICIOUSNESS! 🍟😈

7 months, 3 weeks ago by ChipperChip


Honestly, I can't get why it's so hard to eat quietly, drives me bonkers. Now I just scope out the area for anyone who's got a 3-course meal out before I choose a spot.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by QuietRiot22


Okay, confession time – there was once I got SO fed up I 'accidentally' dropped my heavy book near the serial snacker. The jump nearly gave me away, but geez can we install a 'silent snack' vending machine or something? p.s. not that I'm recommending this method lol

7 months, 3 weeks ago by TheHulkSmash


Just gotta find your zen, you know? Tune into the rhythm of the chewing. It's like the crunching is just another beat in the soundtrack of life, man. Or, just plug in to some lo-fi beats to study/chill to. Keeps me sane, might help you too.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by ZenMasterZ


You know, it's actually a point of proper etiquette to chew with one's mouth closed. It dates back centuries as a sign of good breeding and respect for one's fellow diners—or in your case, studiers. Perhaps a friendly reminder or a glance could help, but alas, few seem to know or heed the rules of polite society anymore. Down the spiral we go!

7 months, 3 weeks ago by EtiquetteEnforcer


This is my BIGGEST pet peeve, seriously! I mean, are we all just savages now, chewing like barn animals? There should be SIGNS. Rules! 'no talking' but heck, let's add 'no eating like you're in your mama's kitchen' smh.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by MouthClosedPlz


Haha! The worst is when they open a chip bag 🤦🤦‍♂️. Kaboom, silence is gone. I've started to rate my library companions by their snacking decibels. The lower the score, the more likely I am to sit near 'em next time.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by ChewbaccaDefense


OMG, I feel ya! I swear libraries are the new food courts. I actually started wearing noise-cancelling headphones to drown out the munchers. If I forget them, it's like my personal concentration hell.

7 months, 3 weeks ago by SilentScreamer