

Wonder Showzen Rant

Wonder Showzen? More like Wonder Shitzen! OMG, this show sucks! This show is an explicit adult show that makes fun of all inappropriate stuff, and they even manage to disguise it as a poor man's Sesame Street! Like, come on, imagine if a kid watches this! One of the most …
submitted 1 year ago by TheForgottenWhopper


Historical movies that get it all WRONG!

Who needs accuracy when you can just totally rewrite history for ENTERTAINMENT, right? I'm sick of movies that take 'creative liberties' with events that ACTUALLY happened. I mean, at least get the costumes right, or the key facts of the events, for crying out loud. I just watched a movie …
submitted 1 year ago by HistoryBuff



Every freakin' time I go out to eat, I see seas of plastic straws, it’s like people don’t CARE about the ocean at all. Turtles are suffering, our beaches are littered, and all because you need a straw for your iced latte? Get a reusable one, people. It’s not that …
submitted 1 year ago by EcoWarrior92


Mainstream music is TRASH nowadays!

Is it just me or has mainstream music turned into this soulless, auto-tuned money grab? Gone are the days of raw talent and meaningful lyrics. Now it's all about catchy hooks and looks. Remember the punk scene of the '70s and '80s? THAT was music with a message! These so-called …
submitted 1 year ago by PunkRockRanter


can't stand noisy eaters!!!

okay seriously, why can’t people chew with their mouths closed?? every time i’m at the library trying to study, there’s ALWAYS that one person smacking their gum or chomping on chips like a cow and I’m like trying not to lose my mind over here 😡 just eat QUIETLY FFS!!!
submitted 1 year ago by AngryGamerGirl


Neighborhood drama is better than soap operas

Who needs TV drama when you’ve got a neighborhood group chat? Did you HEAR about the Johnsons’ dog that apparently 'does its business' on everyone’s lawn but theirs? Or the passive-aggressive notes about parking spots? It’s better than a sitcom, I swear. Got popcorn? Cause that’s the only way to …
submitted 1 year ago by LostInSuburbia


Oh sure, let's all pretend we LOVE Monday mornings

WOW, another Monday, how EXCITING. Can’t wait to pretend like I’m thrilled to get out of bed and deal with traffic, work emails, and that loud coworker who tells the same joke every Monday. Ha. Ha. So funny. NOT. Anyone else just wanna skip Mondays entirely? No? Just me? Thought …
submitted 1 year ago by SarcasticSally


When people ruin pasta by RINSING IT!!!

I have to vent about this. If you're someone who rinses your pasta after boiling it, STOP! You're washing away all the amazing starch that helps sauces cling to it. Here's how you do it: Boil the pasta AL DENTE, people, not mushy! Save some of that precious pasta water. …
submitted 1 year ago by VentingChef


The Absolute State of Customer Service

It baffles me that in 2023, we still have customer service departments that seem like they've NEVER interacted with a human being before. You call and they've got you jumping through hoops with their automated systems. Then, when you finally reach a 'live' person after half an hour, it feels …
submitted 1 year ago by ForeverRanting


boomers and technology = disaster

i'm freakin tired of explaining basic tech to my parents' generation. like, how hard is it to understand you don't need to double click everything?! and stop forwarding fake news in WhatsApp groups, for heaven’s sake!!! ugh. #facepalm
submitted 1 year ago by BoomerHater


Conspiracy Theories aren’t always wrong...

Alright, hear me out before y’all jump on me. Sometimes, these so-called 'conspiracy theories' are just unpopular truths that the majority aren’t ready to accept. Like, we've been conditioned to dismiss anything that doesn't fit the standard narrative. Open your eyes, people. Not everything is a coincidence. And no, I’m …
submitted 1 year ago by unpopular_opinion_dude