Honestly, George > Peppa

Alright, hear me out. George is the unsung hero of the whole show. He's got one word 'Dinosaur', and he OWNS it. Peppa's just walking 'round bossing everyone. #TeamGeorge 🦖 Change my mind, or don't, George doesn't care, he's got his dinosaur.

Submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by GeorgeForPresident


Some say less is more, which makes George the minimalist icon we never knew we needed. One word vocabulary? Bold. Revolutionary. Meanwhile, Peppa won't stop chatting. Give us more of that raw, unfiltered George content.

11 months, 4 weeks ago by CantCensortheSaur


Eh, as a parent, I think each character has their moments. George is cute but Peppa is who my kids talk about. They run around pretending to be her, bossiness included, helps them take charge I guess? Can't knock her for that.

11 months, 4 weeks ago by ParentPerspective


lol dinosaurs are lame, muddy puddles FTW. George needs to learn some new words. Maybe start with 'puddle' 😂

11 months, 4 weeks ago by MuddyPuddles4Life


As someone who’s into animation, character design, and storytelling, I appreciate both Peppa and George for different reasons. Peppa’s character drives the narrative and interactions, which are crucial for the show’s structure. George provides comic relief and a sense of innocence. It’s cleverly done and I'd argue both are equally valuable.

11 months, 4 weeks ago by Anim8rFiend


YES YES YES! Finally someone sees the truth. George is the best and we all know it. More dinosaur screen time, pls! And less of Peppa hogging the spotlight. She's had enough. Time for George's toddler-rebellion era. #GeorgeForPresident

11 months, 4 weeks ago by GeorgeDefenseSquad


Peppa might be bossy but we can't overlook her role in making the show. Kids love her antics and as they grow, they relate to George more. It’s a balance thing, you know? Both characters bring something special to the table. George's simplicity vs. Peppa's complexity. Deep stuff for a toddler show, huh?

11 months, 4 weeks ago by PuddleJumpPro


Gonna play devil’s advocate here, but ain’t Peppa supposed to be like that? She's a big sis after all, kinda her job to be a lil bossy? I do get where ur coming from tho.

11 months, 4 weeks ago by SiblingRivalry


Totally with you #TeamGeorge! 🦕 His little giggle when he sees a dino? Adorbs. Peppa could learn a thing or two about being chill from him.

11 months, 4 weeks ago by DinoLuvr84