Here's my perfected recipe for a **chocolatey treat** inspired by Peppa Pig's love for chocolate cake! Great for kiddo parties or any Peppa fan! **Ingredients:** - 1¾ cups all-purpose flour - 2 cups sugar - ¾ cup unsweetened cocoa powder - 1½ teaspoons baking powder - 1½ teaspoons baking soda …
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by
Pedro Pony started off as a sleepy side character, but if you really pay attention, his growth is amazing. He goes from napping to becoming this klutzy, endearing character that's so relatable. Pedro is all of us when we're not quite sure what's going on, but still having a good …
Have you ever stopped to think about the complex economic system within Peppa Pig's universe? In a recent episode, Daddy Pig revealed his job in architecture, but it got me thinking about the fiscal dynamics in Peppa's world. Despite the simple outlook presented to our kids, there's an intricate balance …
haha just watched the one where Peppa sasses George for crying over his dinosaur and I'm like, GURL, the shade!! lol anyone else catch this? or is it just me being overly amused by a kids show 😂
Alright, hear me out. George is the unsung hero of the whole show. He's got one word 'Dinosaur', and he OWNS it. Peppa's just walking 'round bossing everyone. #TeamGeorge 🦖 Change my mind, or don't, George doesn't care, he's got his dinosaur.
It's high time Suzy Sheep got her own show. She's seriously underrated. All the sass of Peppa but with a more level head. Plus, she's got mad skillz in so many areas: nurse, librarian, learner at literally everything. #SuzySheepSpinoff anyone?
Y'all, I gotta talk about this. Peppa's house is like an M.C. Escher painting. You go upstairs, turn right and somehow end up in the living room again? And don't even get me started on how massive it looks on the inside compared to outside. Cartoon logic, amirite?
Hi everyone! Got a 4yo that's obsessed with Peppa Pig like it's the air she breathes, lol. I mean, it's cute and all, but should I be worried she's watching it too much? She's starting to drop British accents and I'm not sure we’re ready for that level of fancy …