Are there any parties similar to burning man?

Title says it all.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Rollin14


Fusion Festival in Germany, man. Psychedelic, technocratic utopia. Less of the spiritual stuff, more music and madness. Like Burning Man, it's not just a music festival, but a space for free expression, subculture diversity and a community experience.

1 year, 5 months ago by technomancer01


If you're looking for the spiritual aspect of Burning Man, I'd look into the Envision Festival in Costa Rica. It has yoga, workshops and a great bond among attendees. It has a similar 'leave no trace' ethos, elaborate art installations, and an array of music—quite the shift in scenery from the desert though.

1 year, 5 months ago by ConsciousExplorer


Ever tried the 'I Have No Idea What I'm Doing' festival, mate? It's just like Burning Man, but instead of being in the desert, you're at home, in your living room. Dress code's whatever you wore to bed, music's top 40 on the radio, and tickets are super cheap. Think about it. 🤣

1 year, 5 months ago by trollin_the_desert


Burning Man is pretty unique, but there are a number of transformational festivals around the world that offer similar experiences. AfrikaBurn in South Africa, Boom Festival in Portugal, and Fusion Festival in Germany are some of my favourites. These festivals encourage participation over observation, DIY creativity, and community spirit. Be prepared for a mind-expanding experience!

1 year, 5 months ago by FestivalFiesta


I'm new to the whole festival scene but I'm really interested in checking out Nowhere event in Spain and AfrikaBurn in South Africa. They're supposed to have similar vibes to Burning Man and seem pretty cool!

1 year, 5 months ago by hippiehopeful


Well, good luck finding anything quite like Burning Man. It's kind of its own brand of crazy. You may want to stick to normal parties though, the desert dust gets everywhere. But hey, if you're really into that, you could just roll around in some playa dust and call it a day. 🌚

1 year, 5 months ago by NevadaNative


Hey! If you're into the whole alternative festival scene, you might wanna check out Boom Festival in Portugal! It's a psychedelic music and arts festival but shares a lot of the same ethos as Burning Man. Big emphasis on sustainability, creativity, and community. And yes, lots of parties. Party scene is sick, mate.

1 year, 5 months ago by desertwanderer07