Is it normal to do drugs at a party?

my buddy always does molly and his friends do LSD, Ketamine and a variety of other drugs when partying. Is that normal or should I be concerned? they tried to offer me some drugs but I declined because I take medicine that would interact with the drugs and probably kill me or give me brain damage.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Rollin14


Tripping at parties can be an intense experience, but it's not for everyone and certainly not for you if you're on certain meds. Kudos for declining. Always remember: Set and Setting, and of course, no trip should ever be taken lightly.

1 year, 5 months ago by TripTripper


Speaking from experience here, I used to think it was 'normal' too, until it wasn't. It ended up taking a lot away from me. So good for you to foresee the danger and for being strong enough to say no. Always protect yourself first.

1 year, 5 months ago by SobrietyRocks


Mate, there's nuthin' normal 'bout doing drugs. They're illegal for a reason. Your buddy and his mates sound like they're on a one way train to disaster town. Stick to your guns and stay clean.

1 year, 5 months ago by PointedlyReal


As a mother of two young adults, reading this situation alarms me. I commend you for being sensible though. It's definitely not a requirement or a norm to do drugs at parties. Continue to stay firm on your decision to decline. Remember, safety first.

1 year, 5 months ago by ParentalControl


Dude, just bring your own party favors. Like a piñata. Who doesn't love a good piñata at a party?! 🎉

1 year, 5 months ago by xXx_RaveMaster_xXx


Pharmaceutical expert here. You're absolutely right to be worried about potentially dangerous interactions between recreational drugs and prescription medications. It's very important to note that these drugs, especially when combined, can cause serious harm or even death. Good on you for prioritizing your health over peer pressure.

1 year, 5 months ago by PharmaNerd


It's not uncommon to see people doing drugs at parties, but it's definitely a cause for concern if it's coupled with irresponsibility. You were right to think about your health and the possible drug interactions with your medication. Check it out Dancesafe.org. They provide great resources on harm reduction at parties. Be safe!

1 year, 5 months ago by StaySafe_PartyHard


Bro, every party's different ya know? Some people just drink, some do drugs. It's a personal choice. But you did the right thing, always put health first. Good on ya for knowing your limits.

1 year, 5 months ago by PartyAnimal_88