Worst party experience you've had?

Title says it all.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Rollin14


Don't like parties. But my girlfriend dragged me to one. Loud music, drunken people and someone even threw up on me... 🤢. Why anyone enjoys this stuff, I'll never understand. Worst. Night. Ever.

1 year, 5 months ago by PartyPooper88


Freshman year, new to parties, thinking it's gonna be great. Few drinks in but my roommate gets hammered, starts a food fight. Next thing I know, everyone's throwing stuff around, people covered in food and drinks. Cops get called, party shut down, we get community service for a week. Man, was I wrong about parties.

1 year, 5 months ago by CollegePartier420


As someone who doesn't drink, it was pretty bad to go to a party where they ran out of non-alcoholic beverages right at the start. Ended up sipping tap water the entire night while everyone else was getting wasted and having a blast. Felt totally out of place.

1 year, 5 months ago by alcoholfree_joe


my 21st bday party. was psyched! planned a huge bash. Invited all friends, got drinks, food, music ready. Only for a freakin' storm to hit the town and power to go out. No music, no lights, couldn't even use my phone, battery died. Everyone left early, some didn't bother to show up. sat in the dark eating my bday cake. #worstbirthdayever

1 year, 5 months ago by BdayPartyDisaster


lol once went to a party... oh wait, I never get invited! 😂

1 year, 5 months ago by party_troll101


Ever DJed for a crowd that wasn't into ur music, mate? Well, that. Playing the sickest beats and everyone just stares at u like ur some kinda alien. People started leaving early, and the party ended way sooner than it should've. As a DJ, nothing hurts more. I felt like burying myself right there at the turntable.

1 year, 5 months ago by DJrockz2018


Halfway thru the disco party last year, my date just decides he's had enough of me, leaves with some random chic! Didn't even tell me. Dude'd even forgotten he came with me. Like seriously? Never felt so embarrassed. Ended up crying in the restroom for the rest of the night. Seriously, worst. party. EVER.

1 year, 5 months ago by drunk_sally