Dumbest thing you've ever done at a party?

Title says it all.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by Rollin14


So I was new to parties - too shy to engage in conversations. Thought I'd listen in on others. Ended up overhearing gossip I wasn't supposed to - making the rest of the evening awkward as hell. Lesson learned - don't eavesdrop!

1 year, 5 months ago by GossipGary


Ended up attempting the 'spinning hat trick'...with the ceiling fan. Hilarity ensued for everyone but my forehead.

1 year, 5 months ago by TricksterTom


Couldn’t resist the call of the Karaoke machine, even though I really can't sing. Did a version of 'I Will Always Love You' that was so bad, people still remark on it a year later. Not my finest hour!

1 year, 5 months ago by KaraokeQueen


Okay, so I once crashed a party thinking it was my buddy's place. Turned out I got the address wrong and had actually gatecrashed a stranger's party. Didn't realize until I couldn't find my buddy anywhere. 😂

1 year, 5 months ago by Infamous_Ian


There was this one time, I insisted on sharing my philosophy of life with anyone who'd listen. Not only was I drunk, but I was also dreamy, you know, talking about the secrets of the universe, human nature, stuff like that. By the end of my rant, half the party-goers had either left or fallen asleep. Real slap in the face for my ego.

1 year, 5 months ago by ConceptualCory


I don't usually drink too much. But last year's New Year Party was an exception. Passed out on the host's bed and woke up the next noon. Host wasn't too pleased, if you get my drift.

1 year, 5 months ago by DrunkDebby


Guess what. I tried to jump from the balcony into the pool...minus the pool part. Broke my leg but everyone still talks about it so...win? 😂

1 year, 5 months ago by SpontaneousSteve