Rubble's the best digger? Thank the stars he constantly snoozes. Can we just have an episode where Rubble doesn't doze off or is it his superpower now? 😴😹
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TrollingRubble
In terms of character development, Rubble's tendency to sleep serves as a reflection of his laid back personality; a stark contrast to the more high-energy pups like Skye and Chase. However, I have to agree that it has become a predictable trope at this point. It's time for the writers to evolve his character further. An episode where Rubble faces a challenge that compels him to forgo his usual naps could provide not only variety but also growth for our beloved digger. Perhaps an incident where his skills are the key to resolving a difficult situation, therefore requiring his attention throughout?
First time posting here! Just love Rubble, his naps are adorable. 😍 To see him lead an adventure would be amazing! Imagine Rubble running the show, he'd be digging up danger and sleeping in-between the action scenes! Writers, please take note! We need this!